[Rcpp-devel] [ANN] Refined Matrix package bug fix release RcppArmadillo on drat

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Sat Jan 9 19:19:54 CET 2021

With Matrix 1.3.2 now on CRAN, and thanks to the hints by Martin and Binxiang
(plus an unrelated upstream buglet fix from Conrad), a new and refined
RcppArmadillo release is now uploaded to CRAN.

Where it has been stuck is incoming with an apparently frozen pretest queue.
After which it will reverse-depends test, and CRAN will email me about the
issues see -- there will be at least bigsnpr and optisel (which both also
fail at CRAN, so no 'change to worse') and lidR (fixed by a version stuck in
CRAN's own incoming for five days now) which we can easily explain away. But
all that will take days to sort out as everybody is busy.

So in the meantime, RcppArmadillo is also on the Rcpp-drat. Use

  install.packages("RcppArmadillo", repos="https://rcppcore.github.io/drat")

or use any of the usual drat helper functions to adjust your repo list
temporarily or (in a startup file) for longer.

My thanks to everybody who helped with the release.

Cheers, Dirk

https://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd at debian.org

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