[Rcpp-devel] Incorrect result of NA_REAL and NA_INTEGER

Bill Dunlap williamwdunlap at gmail.com
Wed Sep 9 02:43:49 CEST 2020

That pattern of bytes does not ring a bell with me.


On Tue, Sep 8, 2020 at 4:55 PM Akhila Chowdary Kolla <
akhilakollasrinu424jf at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Bill,
> Thanks for the information.When I run the specified commands on the
> generated mat.RDs file I get the following:
> > file.exists("mat.RDs")
> [1] TRUE
> > file.size("mat.RDs")
> [1] 37
> > readBin("mat.RDs", what=raw(), n=20)
>  [1] 8b e0 62 60 60 60 66 60 66 03 62 56 20 93 81 35 34 c4 4d d7
> > readBin(gzfile("mat.RDs","rb"), what=raw(), n=20)
>  [1] 8b e0 62 60 60 60 66 60 66 03 62 56 20 93 81 35 34 c4 4d d7
> >
> I used compress=TRUE in saveRDS function call while generating the
> file(mat.RDs) it still gives me the result starting with 8b instead of 1f.
> Please Advice.
> Thanks,
> Akhila Chowdary
> On Tue, Sep 8, 2020 at 4:29 PM Bill Dunlap <williamwdunlap at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> a) Does the 'rds' file you tried to make exist?
>>    file.exists("mat.RDs")
>> b) It should have a more than c. 10 bytes in it.
>>    file.size("mat.RDs")
>> c) It should start with the with the 2-byte "magic number" for gzip
>> files, 1f 8b:
>>    readBin("mat.RDs", what=raw(), n=20)
>>  [1] 1f 8b 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 8b e0 62 60 60 60 66 60 61 60
>> d) When unzipped it should start with the rds header, 58 0a, then version
>> 3,
>> then the version of R that made it (4 0 2), and the earliest version of R
>> that can
>> read it (3 5 0):
>>   readBin(gzfile("mat.RDs","rb"), what=raw(), n=20)
>>  [1] 58 0a 00 00 00 03 00 04 00 02 00 03 05 00 00 00 00 06 43 50
>> Failure of d will give you the "unknown input format" error'.  Failure
>> of c means you used compress=FALSE in the call to saveRDS.
>> -Bill
>> On Tue, Sep 8, 2020 at 4:11 PM Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd at debian.org> wrote:
>>> On 8 September 2020 at 16:03, Akhila Chowdary Kolla wrote:
>>> | Thanks a lot for your quick response, Dirk. Instead of printing the
>>> vector
>>> | values using std::cout I am planning to serialize those objects using
>>> | saveRDS and trying to retrieve the stored values using readRDS. I am
>>> trying
>>> | to make use of the RInside instance to make a call to R functions.
>>> Although
>>> | the class variable is recognized as an integer in the below example,
>>> when I
>>> | use readRDS it says unknown input format. Is there a method to
>>> serialize
>>> | Rcpp objects using RInside from a testharness?
>>> |
>>> | *Example:*
>>> | TEST(deepstate_test,datatype){
>>> | RInside R;
>>> | R["ms"] = 5;
>>> | std::string cmd = "cat(class(ms));saveRDS(ms,\"mtest.Rds\");
>>> | readRDS(\"mtest.Rds\")";
>>> | R.parseEval(cmd);
>>> | }
>>> | *Output:*
>>> | akhila at akhila-VirtualBox:~$ ./newtest
>>> |
>>> |
>>> |
>>> |
>>> |
>>> |
>>> |
>>> | *TRACE: Running: deepstate_test_datatype from newtest.cpp(6)EXTERNAL:
>>> | integerEXTERNAL: �EXTERNAL: Error in readRDS("mtest.Rds") : unknown
>>> input
>>> | formatterminate called after throwing an instance of
>>> 'std::runtime_error'
>>> | what():  Error evaluating: cat(class(ms));saveRDS(ms,"mtest.Rds");
>>> | readRDS("mtest.Rds")ERROR: Failed: deepstate_test_datatype*
>>> |
>>> | Also, I tried using the below code in my Cpp function. I still get the
>>> same
>>> | unknown input format error.
>>> |
>>> | Rcpp::NumericMatrix mat = RcppDeepState_NumericMatrix();
>>> | Environment base("package:base");
>>> | Function saveRDS = base["saveRDS"];
>>> | saveRDS(mat,Named("file","mat.RDs"));
>>> | Function readRDS = base["readRDS"];
>>> | readRDS("mat.RDs");
>>> |
>>> | Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance
>>> That leaves me a little puzzled. No immediate suggestion.
>>> Restoring an R-written RDS with another R session should always work.
>>> Strange.
>>> Dirk
>>> | Regards,
>>> | Akhila Chowdary Kolla
>>> |
>>> | On Fri, Sep 4, 2020 at 3:15 PM Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd at debian.org>
>>> wrote:
>>> |
>>> | >
>>> | > On 4 September 2020 at 11:24, Akhila Chowdary Kolla wrote:
>>> | > | Hello Everyone,
>>> | > |
>>> | > | I am trying to use NA_REAL, NA_INTEGER, and R_NaN in my CPP
>>> code(doesn't
>>> | > | use R main). When I compile and run my code,* NA_REAL* it gives
>>> the value
>>> | > | as *nan* and *NA_INTEGER* gives the value as *-2147483648, and
>>> R_NaN as
>>> | > 0*.
>>> | > |
>>> | > | I used the following code(from Rcpp FAQ):
>>> | > | Rcpp::IntegerVector Missing_I() {
>>> | > |   Rcpp::IntegerVector v(1);
>>> | > |   v[0] = NA_INTEGER; // NA
>>> | > |   return v;
>>> | > | }
>>> | > | Rcpp::NumericVector Missing_N() {
>>> | > |   Rcpp::NumericVector v(4);
>>> | > |   v[0] = R_NegInf; // -Inf
>>> | > |   v[1] = NA_REAL; // NA
>>> | > |   v[2] = R_PosInf; // Inf
>>> | > |   v[3] = R_NaN; // nan
>>> | > |   return v;
>>> | > | }
>>> | > |
>>> | > | When I compile the functions using sourceCpp() I get the output as
>>> | > expected:
>>> | > | > sourceCpp("~/R/RcppDeepState/inst/extdata/filesave.cpp")
>>> | > | > Missing_I()
>>> | > | [1] NA
>>> | > | > Missing_N()
>>> | > | [1] -Inf   NA  Inf  NaN
>>> | > |
>>> | > | But when I compile the code using the TestHarness it gives me the
>>> | > following
>>> | > | output:
>>> | > | missing_n values: -inf nan inf 0
>>> | > | missing_i values: -2147483648
>>> | > |
>>> | > | I saved the above functions(Missing_I, Missing_N) in a header file
>>> and
>>> | > made
>>> | > | a call to those functions from the testharness:
>>> | > |
>>> | > | TEST(deepstate_test,datatype){
>>> | > | RInside();
>>> | > | Rcpp::IntegerVector missing_i = Missing_I();
>>> | > | std::cout <<"missing_i values: "<< missing_i << std::endl;
>>> | > | Rcpp::NumericVector missing_n = Missing_N();
>>> | > | std::cout <<"missing_n values: "<< missing_n << std::endl;
>>> | > | }
>>> | > |
>>> | > | How can I get the results as expected? Any help is appreciated.
>>> | >
>>> | > Am I understanding you correctly that you would like _the R
>>> behaviour_ but
>>> | > in
>>> | > a non-R context (such as a catch or Google gtest harness) ?  You
>>> can't as
>>> | > easily as R actively adds some extensions. I.e. IEEE 754 defines
>>> this for
>>> | > doubles, but "nobody" besides R does it for Int. So you would have
>>> to add
>>> | > your print function.
>>> | >
>>> | > Dirk
>>> | >
>>> | > --
>>> | > https://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd at debian.org
>>> | >
>>> --
>>> https://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd at debian.org
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