[Rcpp-devel] NULL value passed as symbol address with allC++functions
Barth Riley
barthriley at comcast.net
Thu Nov 8 16:10:08 CET 2018
In my “stupid” (minimal) project, my namespace looks as follows:
useDynLib(StupidRCPP, .registration=TRUE)
importFrom(Rcpp, evalCpp)
In my main project I include Rcpp in an import() statement in NAMESPACE.
One thing I’m noticing with the minimal project is that I can build it without errors and access functions from the package but devtools::check() reports syntax errors…though these errors appear to be from an old version of the code (it has been quite a headache manually deleting all of the files in .Rcheck, RprojUser, and the Rtmp… folders.
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