[Rcpp-devel] NULL value passed as symbol address with all C++functions
Barth Riley
barthriley at comcast.net
Thu Nov 8 05:53:09 CET 2018
@Dirk: I didn’t want to overwhelm those on the list with tons of code. Below is the full source for the function. What else would you need to see?
After clearing my environment variables, I am now getting the following error:
Error in logit(30, 0, 100) :
function 'enterRNGScope' not provided by package 'Rcpp'
I do have some roxygen documentation errors in my package? Might this have an effect in producing the error?
Here is the function:
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::NumericVector logit(Rcpp::NumericVector x,
Rcpp::NumericVector xMin,
Rcpp::NumericVector xMax,
double adjustment = 0.3) {
int N = x.length();
int nMin = xMin.length();
int nMax = xMax.length();
Rcpp::NumericVector logOgive(N,0.0);
if(!(nMin == 1 || nMin == N))
return logOgive;
if(!(nMax == 1 || nMax == N))
return logOgive;
if(xMin.length() != xMax.length())
return logOgive;
int justOne;
if(xMin.length() == 1)
justOne = 1;
justOne = 0;
NumericVector upperBound = xMax - adjustment;
NumericVector lowerBound = xMin + adjustment;
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
if(x[i] < 0) continue;
if(justOne == 1) {
if(x[i] <= xMin[0]) x[i] = lowerBound[i];
if(x[i] >= xMax[0]) x[i] = upperBound[i];
logOgive[i] = log((x[i] - xMin[0])/(xMax[0] - x[i]));
} else {
if(x[i] <= xMin[i]) x[i] = lowerBound[i];
if(x[i] >= xMax[i]) x[i] = upperBound[i];
logOgive[i] = log((x[i] - xMin[i])/(xMax[i] - x[i]));
return logOgive;
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