[Rcpp-devel] rcpp standalone compiled with intel c++

Vitaliy FEOKTISTOV vitaliy.feoktistov at gmail.com
Wed Mar 7 15:08:21 CET 2018

I'd like to have a standalone version of Rcpp. I compiled it as visual
studio 2017 project with Intel 2018u1 c++ compiler.
I had to switch off Date and Rcpp_init files to be compatible with windows
(without major modifications).
when I tried it on a small exemple NumericVector a; na=a.size() I get an
error at this line of code of Vector.h
inline R_xlen_t size() const {
        return ::Rf_xlength( Storage::get__() ) ;
Exception thrown at 0x000000006C7FE5D0 (R.dll) in Rgui.exe: 0xC0000005:
Access violation reading location 0x000000008000004E
what is the reason of this error ?
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