[Rcpp-devel] [ANN] Rcpp 0.12.8

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Fri Nov 18 16:42:07 CET 2016

Rcpp 0.12.8 arrived on CRAN yesterday.  The announcement is at


and (without links) below.

Of particular note is that Nathan Russell is now part of team.

Cheers,  Dirk

  Fri, 18 Nov 2016

  Rcpp 0.12.8: And more goodies

   Yesterday the eighth update in the 0.12.* series of Rcpp made it to the CRAN
   network for GNU R where the Windows binary has by now been generated too; the
   Debian package is on its way as well. This 0.12.8 release follows the 0.12.0
   release from late July, the 0.12.1 release in September, the 0.12.2 release in
   November, the 0.12.3 release in January, the 0.12.4 release in March, the
   0.12.5 release in May, the 0.12.6 release in July, and the 0.12.7 release in
   September --- making it the twelveth release at the steady bi-montly release
   frequency. While we are keeping with the pattern, we have managed to include
   quite a lot of nice stuff in this release. None of it is a major feauture,
   though, and so we have not increased the middle number.

   Among the changes this release are (once again) much improved exception
   handling (thanks chiefly to Jim Hester), better large vector support (by
   Qiang), a number of Sugar extensions (mostly Nathan, Qiang and Dan) and
   beginnings of new DateVector and DatetimeVectors classes, and other changes
   detailed below. We plan to properly phase in the new date(time) classes. For
   now, you have to use a #define such as this one in Rcpp.h which remains
   commented-out for now. We plan to switch this on as the new default no earlier
   than twelve months from now.

   Rcpp has become the most popular way of enhancing GNU R with C or C++ code. As
   of today, 843 packages on CRAN depend on Rcpp for making analytical code go
   faster and further. That is up by eightyfour packages, or a full ten percent,
   just since the last release in early September!

   Again, we are lucky to have such a large group of contributors. Among them, we
   have invited Nathan Russell to the Rcpp Core team given his consistently
   excellent pull requests (as well as many outstanding Stackoverflow answers for
   Rcpp). More details on changes are below.

    Changes in Rcpp version 0.12.8 (2016-11-16)

       * Changes in Rcpp API:

            * String and vector elements now use extended R_xlen_t indices (Qiang
              in PR #560)

            * Hashing functions now return unsigned int (Qiang in PR #561)

            * Added static methods eye(), ones(), and zeros() for select matrix
              types (Nathan Russell in PR #569)

            * The exception call stack is again correctly reported; print methods
              and tests added too (Jim Hester in PR #582 fixing #579)

            * Variatic macros no longer use a GNU extensions (Nathan in PR #575)

            * Hash index functions were standardized on returning unsigned
              integers (Also PR #575)

       * Changes in Rcpp Sugar:

            * Added new Sugar functions rowSums(), colSums(), rowMeans(),
              colMeans() (PR #551 by Nathan Russell fixing #549)

            * Range Sugar now used R_xlen_t type for start/end (PR #568 by Qiang

            * Defining RCPP_NO_SUGAR no longer breaks the build. (PR #585 by
              Daniel C. Dillon)

       * Changes in Rcpp unit tests

            * A test for expression vectors was corrected.

            * The constructor test for datetime vectors reflects the new classes
              which treats Inf correctly (and still as a non-finite value)

       * Changes in Rcpp Attributes

            * An 'empty' return was corrected (PR #589 fixing issue #588, and with
              thanks to Duncan Murdoch for the heads-up)
       * Updated Date and Datetime vector classes:

            * The DateVector and DatetimeVector classes were renamed with a prefix
              old; they are currently typedef'ed to the existing name (#557)

            * New variants newDateVector and newDatetimeVector were added based on
              NumericVector (also #557, #577, #581, #587)

            * By defining RCPP_NEW_DATE_DATETIME_VECTORS the new classes can
              activated. We intend to make the new classes the default no sooner
              than twelve months from this release.

            * The capabilities() function can also be used for presence of this

   Thanks to CRANberries, you can also look at a diff to the previous release. As
   always, even fuller details are on the Rcpp Changelog page and the Rcpp page
   which also leads to the downloads page, the browseable doxygen docs and zip
   files of doxygen output for the standard formats. A local directory has source
   and documentation too. Questions, comments etc should go to the rcpp-devel
   mailing list off the R-Forge page.

   This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog.
   Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

                                                       /code/rcpp | permanent link

http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd at debian.org

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