[Rcpp-devel] [ANN] RcppArmadillo (and 0.7.300.1.0)

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Sat Jul 30 15:36:53 CEST 2016

Conrad continues to tirelessly advance Armadillo, and I am trying to keep up
with RcppArmadillo in a way that paces releases more in line with what we now
do with Rcpp (ie bi-monthly).  So as his 7.200.* series was finalized, I at
last release RcppArmadillo to CRAN.  The announcement from my
blog is included below.

While preparing that release, I must have tested with the 7.1.* series as I
missed one gotcha revealed by the seqHMM and since addressed by both Jouni in
its sources, and Conrad in his current 7.300.1. Sorry for missing that, and
thanks to both for very prompt responses.  Now, having had this incident, I
prepared RcppArmadillo 0.7.300.1.0 as GitHub-based 'drat relased'.  Do either

   install.packages("RcppArmadillo", repo="http://RcppCore.github.io/drat")

to one-time install, or add the repo to your sessions via eg this in .Rprofile


after which install.packages() and update.packages() will consider it.  Wider
pre-release testing helps so please do your part :)  At least on a dev box
here or there.

I intend to do releases roughly once a month or just not under (as CRAN keeps
to keep count of 'N in N months').

Thanks,  Dirk


   armadillo image

   The second Armadillo release of the 7.* series came out a few weeks ago: version
   7.200.2. And RcppArmadillo version is now on CRAN and uploaded to
   Debian. This followed the usual thorough reverse-dependecy checking of by now over
   240 packages using it.

   For once, I let it simmer a little preparing only a package update via the GitHub
   repo without preparing a CRAN upload to lower the update frequency a little. Seeing
   that Conrad has started to release 7.300.0 tarballs, the time for a (final) 7.200.2
   upload was now right.

   Just like the previous, it now requires a recent enough compiler. As g++ is so
   common, we explicitly test for version 4.6 or newer. So if you happen to be on an
   older RHEL or CentOS release, you may need to get yourself a more modern compiler. R
   on Windows is now at 4.9.3 which is decent (yet stable) choice; the 4.8 series of
   g++ will also do. For reference, the current LTS of Ubuntu is at 5.4.0, and we have
   g++ 6.1 available in Debian testing.

   This new upstream release adds new indexing helpers, additional return codes on some
   matrix transformations, increased speed for compound expressions via vectorise,
   corrects some LAPACK feature detections (affecting principally complex number use
   under OS X), and a rewritten sample() function thanks to James Balamuta.

   Armadillo is a powerful and expressive C++ template library for linear algebra
   aiming towards a good balance between speed and ease of use with a syntax
   deliberately close to a Matlab.

   Changes in this release (and the preceding GitHub-only release are as

    Changes in RcppArmadillo version (2016-07-22)

       * Upgraded to Armadillo release 7.200.2

       * The sampling extension was rewritten to use Armadillo vector types instead of
         Rcpp types (PR #101 by James Balamuta)

    Changes in RcppArmadillo version (2016-06-06)

       * Upgraded to Armadillo release 7.200.1

            * added .index_min() and .index_max()

            * expanded ind2sub() to handle vectors of indices

            * expanded sub2ind() to handle matrix of subscripts

            * expanded expmat(), logmat() and sqrtmat() to optionally return a bool
              indicating success

            * faster handling of compound expressions by vectorise()

       * The configure code now (once again) sets the values for the LAPACK feature
         #define correctly.

   Courtesy of CRANberries, there is a diffstat report. More detailed information is on
   the RcppArmadillo page. Questions, comments etc should go to the rcpp-devel mailing
   list off the R-Forge page.

http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd at debian.org

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