[Rcpp-devel] Template + Rcpp::List error

Diego Monteiro dvm1607 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 18 00:22:43 CET 2016

I will send the complete code and bold the part where it get stuck.

C++ code template created :

namespace Rcpp{
  template<> te::da::DataSourceInfo as (SEXP datasource){
 * Rcpp::List dataSource (datasource);*
  te::da::DataSourceInfo ds;
  Rcpp::String typestring = (dataSource["type"]);
  std::string tstring = typestring;
  if(tstring == "OGR"){

    std::map<std::string, std::string> connInfo;
    Rcpp::List cInfo = dataSource["connInfo"] ;


   return ds

Here is where I try to use the template

SEXP getTrajectory(SEXP datasource, SEXP dataset){
    //Indicates the data source
    te::da::DataSourceInfo dsinfo =

Here is the R list I send in the "datasource"
[1] "con"

[1] "titl"

[1] "ad"

[1] "typ"

I send using this method :

  f = "getTrajectory",
  signature = c("DataSourceInfo","DataSetInfo"),
  definition = function(datasource, dataset)
    dsource <- list("connInfo"=datasource at connInfo,"title"=datasource at title
,"accessDriver"=datasource at accessDriver,"title"=datasource at type)

    dset <- list("tableName"=dataset at tableName)
    c(dset,"phTimeName"=dataset at phTimeName)
    c(dset,"geomName"=dataset at geomName)
    c(dset,"trajId"=dataset at trajId)
    c(dset,"trajName"=dataset at trajName)
    c(dset,"objId"=dataset at trajName)

    traj1 <- getTrajectory(datasource,dataset)
    return (traj1)

Is this enough and understandable ?

2016-02-17 20:58 GMT-02:00 Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd at debian.org>:

> On 17 February 2016 at 20:28, Diego Monteiro wrote:
> | Hello, I'm trying to implement a conversion from a R type into my own
> Type ,
> | but  in the beginning I am getting an error.
> |
> | The code is like the following :
> | template<> MyType as (SEXP x){
> |
> |   Rcpp::List dataSource(x);
> | [.....]
> | }
> |
> | This is the ERROR:
> | An exception has occurried: could not convert using R function : as.list
> |
> | "x"  is a char list.
> |
> | Thanks for any help.
> Can you distill things to a minimal working example?  It is pretty hard for
> us to say something meaningful otherwise.
> Dirk
> --
> http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd at debian.org
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