[Rcpp-devel] Problems with installing RcppGSL

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Wed Oct 14 23:31:36 CEST 2015

On 14 October 2015 at 15:41, binbinlu at whu.edu.cn wrote:
| Hi Dirk,
| Many thanks. It's working now.
| It could not find the two libraries because they were not exactly under the
| folder "../lib" but in the next level "../lib/x64" or "../lib/i386", which are
| the original structure  from "local320.zip". I moved all the files from "../lib

That is still wrong. You are not supposed to alter any files or path. Just
unzip the zip archive and point to it.

So all the trouble you had here is self-inflicted. 


| /x64" to "../lib", and it's working now.
| Best regards,
| Binbin
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Dr Binbin Lu
| Lecturer in School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering,
| Wuhan University
| Email: binbinlu at whu.edu.cn
|     From: Dirk Eddelbuettel
|     Date: 2015-10-14 15:14
|     To: binbinlu\@whu.edu.cn
|     CC: rcpp-devel
|     Subject: Re: [Rcpp-devel] Problems with installing RcppGSL
|     There is a chance you may be confused.
|     On 14 October 2015 at 14:18, binbinlu at whu.edu.cn wrote:
|     | Hi,
|     |
|     | Recently I am trying to use GSL for improving my code and I found RcppGSL
|     is
|     | really great. BUT I am stuck by configuring it for a few days. What I've
|     done
|     | is as:
|     |
|     | 1. Install Rcpp and RcppGSL;
|     | 2. Download "local320.zip" file and unzipped it as "LIB_GSL"
|     You don't "unzip it as 'LIB_GSL'. You can ubzip it anywhere. Say you use
|     c:/libs/gsl/ -- but then you have to set the _environment variable_ named
|     LIB_GSL to the _value_ of the location you used, eg c:/lib/gsl
|     | 3. Add an environment variable LIB_GSL, and make it as "D:/LIB_GSL"
|     | 4. Edit the "Makevars.win" as follows:
|     |
|     | PKG_CPPFLAGS=-I$(LIB_GSL)/include -I../inst/include
|     | PKG_LIBS=-L$(LIB_GSL)/lib/x64 -lgsl -lgslcblas $(shell "${R_HOME}/bin$
|     | {R_ARCH_BIN}/Rscript.exe" -e "Rcpp:::LdFlags()")
|     What did you edit? Why did you think you needed to edit?
|     |
|     | Then I started to run the example code:
|     |
|     | > sourceCpp("bSpline.cpp")
|     |
|     | I got the following errors:
|     |
|     | g++ -m64 -I"D:/PROGRA~1/R/R-31~1.1/include" -DNDEBUG -ID:/LIB_GSL/include
|     -ID:/
|     | LIB_GSL/include -I../inst/include -I"D:/PROGRA~1/R/R-31~1.1/library/Rcpp/
|     | include" -I"D:/PROGRA~1/R/R-31~1.1/library/RcppGSL/include" -I"E:/Dropbox
|     /Paper
|     | /HIGHPE~1/packages/RcppGSL/inst/examples/bSpline" -I"d:/RCompile/CRANpkg/
|     | extralibs64/local/include" -O2 -Wall -mtune=core2 -c bSpline.cpp -o
|     bSpline.o
|     | g++ -m64 -shared -s -static-libgcc -o sourceCpp_1.dll tmp.def bSpline.o
|     -LD:/
|     | LIB_GSL/lib -lgsl -lgslcblas -LD:/PROGRA~1/R/R-31~1.1/bin/x64 -lRlapack
|     -LD:/
|     | PROGRA~1/R/R-31~1.1/bin/x64 -lRblas -lgfortran -LD:/LIB_GSL/lib -lgsl
|     | -lgslcblas -Ld:/RCompile/CRANpkg/extralibs64/local/lib/x64 -Ld:/RCompile/
|     | CRANpkg/extralibs64/local/lib -LD:/PROGRA~1/R/R-31~1.1/bin/x64 -lR
|     | d:/rtools/gcc-4.6.3/bin/../lib/gcc/i686-w64-mingw32/4.6.3/../../../../
|     | i686-w64-mingw32/bin/ld.exe: cannot find -lgsl
|     | d:/rtools/gcc-4.6.3/bin/../lib/gcc/i686-w64-mingw32/4.6.3/../../../../
|     | i686-w64-mingw32/bin/ld.exe: cannot find -lgslcblas
|     | d:/rtools/gcc-4.6.3/bin/../lib/gcc/i686-w64-mingw32/4.6.3/../../../../
|     | i686-w64-mingw32/bin/ld.exe: cannot find -lgsl
|     | d:/rtools/gcc-4.6.3/bin/../lib/gcc/i686-w64-mingw32/4.6.3/../../../../
|     | i686-w64-mingw32/bin/ld.exe: cannot find -lgslcblas
|     | collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
|     |
|     | I've no idea what happened. Did I miss anything or do something wrongly?
|     Many
|     | thanks!
|     It seems to have found the headers (or else it would not have compiled) but
|     not the library.  Check D:/LIB_GSL/lib/ and see if it has the missing
|     libraries libgsl and libgslcblas.
|     All this is used the same way at CRAN so it works there....
|     Dirk
|     |
|     | Best regards,
|     |
|     | Binbin
|     |
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|     | Rcpp-devel at lists.r-forge.r-project.org
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|     --
|     http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd at debian.org

http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd at debian.org

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