[Rcpp-devel] Rcpp package building

Hmamouche Youssef hmamoucheyussef at gmail.com
Thu Nov 19 17:02:05 CET 2015

Hi Dirk,

I agree, very small world :).

For example, I have installed my package on Mac using  R CMD install 'package', so I had already C/C++ compiler, it works well. Then I generate the tar.gz package using  R CMD build ‘package'.

But, when I try to install the tar.gz package on other machines (Mac Or Windows in my case), I must have a C/C++ compiler..

The point is that i like to install it without C/C++ compiler on the other machines.

Following the ancient discussions of this email,  I have to generate the binary package using:     R CMD INSTALL --build ‘package', rather than R CMD build ‘package’.

So in my case, there is a difference between R CMD INSTALL —build and R CMD build when generating a binary package.

Thanks Dirk,


> Le 19 nov. 2015 à 16:26, Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd at debian.org> a écrit :
> On 19 November 2015 at 14:31, Hmamouche Youssef wrote:
> | I have builded a package on my machine, and when i like to install it on other machines, i have to install all the require tools (C++ compiler, …), which means that i have to compile it each time.
> Yes.
> Open Source works from source. This is pretty common.  CRAN is comprised of
> _source_ packages.  But also binary packages so: What OS? On
>  -- Windows you have win-builder at http://win-builder.r-project.org
>     to have a binary built for you, see its documentation
>  -- OS X you may be able to do it too
>  -- Linux it depends on distribution but
>     -- for Debian / Ubuntu we have
>        -- several hundred packages in the distro
>        -- several dozen at eg the CRAN Ubuntu directories
>        -- thousand plus at Michael's PPAs
>        -- the possibility to build your own (which I just did last eve
>           as I wanted a new prebuilt r-cran-* for Travis)
>     -- other distros see their volunteers 
> | Can’I do It a single time ? and built it in such a way that can be used without compilation, just like we do for CRAN packages.
> Please explain that statement.  When I install Rcpp from CRAN on my computers
> it is essentially always from source, and yes, my computers have compilers.
> | Thanks in advance,
> | 
> | Youssef
> | 
> | Phd Student at Aix-Marseille University, France
> Small world. I once went to what was then called Aix-Marseille II (and then
> went to GREQAM/EHESS at the Veille Charite).
> Dirk
> -- 
> http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd at debian.org

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