[Rcpp-devel] undefined symbol: _ZTVN10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_infoE (on Ubuntu but not on Mac OS X)

Peng Yu pengyu.ut at gmail.com
Tue Jul 7 02:03:11 CEST 2015

On Monday, July 6, 2015, Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd at debian.org> wrote:

> On 6 July 2015 at 17:24, Peng Yu wrote:
> | BTW, I checked all the packages that depend on Rcpp one way or
> | another. All the packages which use FORTRAN only have .f files but not
> | .f90 files. Is it an coincident or it is known that R does not support
> | .f90 well?
> A _15 second_ search of Writing R Extensions reveals this in Section 1.1.5:

Thanks. I also saw it.

>       The sources and headers for the compiled code are in 'src', plus
>    optionally a file 'Makevars' or 'Makefile'.  When a package is installed
>    using 'R CMD INSTALL', 'make' is used to control compilation and linking
>    into a shared object for loading into R. There are default 'make'
>    variables and rules for this (determined when R is configured and
>    recorded in 'R_HOME/etcR_ARCH/Makeconf'), providing support for C, C++,
>    FORTRAN 77, Fortran 9x(5), Objective C and Objective C++(6) with
>    associated extensions '.c', '.cc' or '.cpp', '.f', '.f90' or '.f95',
>    '.m', and '.mm', respectively.  We recommend using '.h' for headers,
>    also for C++(7) or Fortran 9x include files.  (Use of extension '.C' for
>    C++ is no longer supported.)  Files in the 'src' directory should not be
>    hidden (start with a dot), and hidden files will under some versions of
>    R be ignored.
>       It is not portable (and may not be possible at all) to mix all these
>    languages in a single package, and we do not support using both C++ and
>    Fortran 9x.

The funny thing of the manual is that actually my package can be compiled
on Mac. It is defintitely possible to mix fortran 90 and C++ (at least with
some subset features of both).

It seems that this is just another problem of R's documention and some
idiosyncratic decision made by the R core team members in charge of this

> Because R itself uses it, we know that C and FORTRAN 77 can
>    be used together and mixing C and C++ seems to be widely successful.
> Note the second paragraph:  So f90 and C++ do NOT go together.
> Dirk
> --
> http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd at debian.org
> <javascript:;>

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