[Rcpp-devel] [ANN] Rcpp 0.11.4

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Sat Jan 24 18:07:59 CET 2015

A new release Rcpp 0.11.4 is now on CRAN. 

A short blog post about it is at


and included as text (without links) below.

This release represents contributions from ten different people, which is a
new high. As always, thanks for everybody for testing, suggestions and input.

On behalf of Rcpp Core,  Dirk

PS RcppAnnoy + RcppGSL also had new releases; we're working on RcppArmadillo.

   Rcpp 0.11.4

   A new release 0.11.4 of Rcpp is now on the CRAN network for GNU R, and an
   updated Debian package will be uploaded in due course.

   Rcpp has become the most popular way of enhancing GNU R with C++ code. As
   of today, 323 packages on CRAN depend on Rcpp for making analyses go
   faster and further; BioConductor adds another 41 packages, and casual
   searches on GitHub suggests dozens mores.

   This release once again adds a large number of small bug fixes, polishes
   and enhancements. And like the last time, these changes were made by a
   group of seven different contributors (counting code commits) plus three
   more providing concrete suggestions. This shows that the Rcpp development
   and maintenance rests a large number of (broad) shoulders.

   See below for a detailed list of changes extracted from the NEWS file.

    Changes in Rcpp version 0.11.4 (2015-01-20)

       * Changes in Rcpp API:

            * The ListOf<T> class gains the .attr and .names methods common
              to other Rcpp vectors.

            * The [dpq]nbinom_mu() scalar functions are now available via the
              R:: namespace when R 3.1.2 or newer is used.

            * Add an additional test for AIX before attempting to include

            * Rcpp::stop now supports improved printf-like syntax using the
              small tinyformat header-only library (following a similar
              implementation in Rcpp11)

            * Pairlist objects are now protected via an additional Shield<>
              as suggested by Martin Morgan on the rcpp-devel list.

            * Sorting is now prohibited at compile time for objects of type
              List, RawVector and ExpressionVector.

            * Vectors now have a Vector::const_iterator that is 'const
              correct' thanks to fix by Romain following a bug report in
              rcpp-devel by Martyn Plummer.

            * The mean() sugar function now uses a more robust two-pass
              method, and new unit tests for mean() were added at the same

            * The mean() and var() functions now support all core vector

            * The setequal() sugar function has been corrected via suggestion
              by Qiang Kou following a bug report by So/ren Ho/jsgaard.

            * The macros major, minor, and makedev no longer leak in from the
              (Linux) system header sys/sysmacros.h.

            * The push_front() string function was corrected.

       * Changes in Rcpp Attributes:

            * Only look for plugins in the package's namespace (rather than
              entire search path).

            * Also scan header files for definitions of functions to be
              considerd by Attributes.

            * Correct the regular expression for source files which are

       * Changes in Rcpp unit tests

            * Added a new binary test which will load a pre-built package to
              ensure that the Application Binary Interface (ABI) did not
              change; this test will (mostly or) only run at Travis where we
              have reasonable control over the platform running the test and
              can provide a binary.

            * New unit tests for sugar functions mean, setequal and var were
              added as noted above.

       * Changes in Rcpp Examples:

            * For the (old) examples ConvolveBenchmarks and OpenMP, the
              respective Makefile was renamed to GNUmakefile to please R CMD
              check as well as the CRAN Maintainers.

   Thanks to CRANberries, you can also look at a diff to the previous release
   As always, even fuller details are on the Rcpp Changelog page and the Rcpp
   page which also leads to the downloads page, the browseable doxygen docs
   and zip files of doxygen output for the standard formats. A local
   directory has source and documentation too. Questions, comments etc should
   go to the rcpp-devel mailing list off the R-Forge page.

   This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box
   blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit

                                                  /code/rcpp | permanent link

http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd at debian.org

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