[Rcpp-devel] Qt , Rinside, and Windows integration
Jodi Jhouranda Siregar
11.6729 at stis.ac.id
Sat Jan 24 06:05:32 CET 2015
this is my .pro file, is there anything wrong? and i got this error
message " 'sh' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file."
# Project created by QtCreator 2014-12-25T20:51:27
QT += core gui
greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets
TARGET = RinsideProject
SOURCES += main.cpp mainwindow.cpp
HEADERS += mainwindow.h
FORMS += mainwindow.ui
INCLUDEPATH += C:\R\R-3.1.2\bin\include
INCLUDEPATH += C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\R\win-library\3.1\Rcpp\include
INCLUDEPATH += C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\R\win-library\3.1\RInside\include
LIBS += -LC:\R\R-3.1.2\bin\i386\ -LR
LIBS += -lC:\Users\Administrator\Documents\R\win-library\3.1\RInside\lib\i386\
LIBS += -LC:\Users\Administrator\Documents\R\win-library\3.1\Rcpp\libs\i386\
## comment this out if you need a different version of R,
## and set set R_HOME accordingly as an environment variable
R_HOME = C:\R\R-3.1.2
#message("R_HOME is" $$R_HOME)
## include headers and libraries for R
RCPPFLAGS = $$system($$R_HOME/bin/R CMD config --cppflags)
RLDFLAGS = $$system($$R_HOME/bin/R CMD config --ldflags)
RBLAS = $$system($$R_HOME/bin/R CMD config BLAS_LIBS)
RLAPACK = $$system($$R_HOME/bin/R CMD config LAPACK_LIBS)
## if you need to set an rpath to R itself, also uncomment
RRPATH = -Wl,-rpath,$$R_HOME/lib
## include headers and libraries for Rcpp interface classes
RCPPINCL = $$system($$R_HOME/bin/Rscript -e \"Rcpp:::CxxFlags\(\)\")
RCPPLIBS = $$system($$R_HOME/bin/Rscript -e \"Rcpp:::LdFlags\(\)\")
## for some reason when building with Qt we get this each time
## /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/Rcpp/include/Rcpp/module/Module_generated_ctor_signature.h:25:
warning: unused parameter ‘classname
## so we turn unused parameter warnings off
## no longer needed with Rcpp 0.9.3 or later
#RCPPWARNING = -Wno-unused-parameter
## include headers and libraries for RInside embedding classes
RINSIDEINCL = $$system($$R_HOME/bin/Rscript -e \"RInside:::CxxFlags\(\)\")
RINSIDELIBS = $$system($$R_HOME/bin/Rscript -e \"RInside:::LdFlags\(\)\")
## compiler etc settings used in default make rules
## addition clean targets
QMAKE_CLEAN += mainwindow.cpp Makefile
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