[Rcpp-devel] Need Help: debugging Rcpp with gdb on Windows 8

John Buonagurio jbuonagurio at exponent.com
Tue Sep 23 16:06:02 CEST 2014

Hi Kumar,

> I am developing a module RcppSSC which is an R wrapper for a C library for Solar Energy from NREL.
> -LC:/SAM/ssc-sdk-2014-1-21/win64/ -lssc

Looks like you're linking to an MSVC 2013 DLL which could cause problems (even if it's ANSI C). Before attempting to build out the Rcpp module, were you able to get the minimal examples included with the SDK working with Rtools MinGW?

I just tested using the sample code which you should have at "C:\SAM\ssc-sdk-2014-1-21\examples\example1_pvwatts.c" compiled with:

gcc -m64 example1_pvwatts.c -I"C:/SAM/ssc-sdk-2014-1-21" -L"C:/SAM/ssc-sdk-2014-1-21/win64" -lssc -o example1_pvwatts.exe

It crashes at the ssc_data_create() function.


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