[Rcpp-devel] Re unit testing for Rcpp

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Thu Nov 13 02:48:21 CET 2014

On 12 November 2014 at 10:04, Aaron Polhamus wrote:
| Dear list, 
| I am writing an Rcpp unit testing application for internal, commercial use. I'm
| having a tough time coming up with good unit tests for the following functions,
| which either deal with S4 classes or are used at the package load stage for
| packages depending on Rcpp: 
| cpp_object_dummy
| cpp_object_initialize
| loadModule
| loadRcppClass
| loadRcppModules 
| ​I've scanned the ​unit test library that ships with the Rcpp package, and as
| far as I can tell none of these functions are tested. Has anyone written good
| tests for these? I am working with the RUnit package as my testing framework. 

Code contributions are always welcome. The is an Open Source project under GPL-2.


http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd at debian.org

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