[Rcpp-devel] "Error during wrapup"
John Mous
john.mous0 at gmail.com
Wed May 28 00:10:29 CEST 2014
Hi Kevin,
Thanks. I will give the GitHub version a try -- the error usually manifests
only after running for about a day or so, so it may take a while to do
that. Unfortunately I am having trouble creating a small reproducible
example -- a function with just the assignments as written in my previous
e-mail works fine when executed thousands of times in a loop. The full
code is not that long (~165 lines), but is also non-trivial.
It's odd that something else is causing things to fail with the end result
being that only the field *names*, which are hardcoded, and not the values,
not coming through properly. Since you said you suspect the problem may be
fixed, can you give me a hint of what you think it may be related to? This
might help me isolate the piece of offending code.
On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 5:46 PM, Kevin Ushey <kevinushey at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi John,
> I think we may have tackled this in some of the latest fixes with the
> version of Rcpp on GitHub. Can you try installing that version and
> trying again? Ie, try
> install.packages(devtools); devtools::install_github("RcppCore/Rcpp")
> then try running your code again.
> Alternatively, please supply a small reproducible example that we can
> try to run ourselves. You may be able to tease this error out
> reproducibly if you run it with gctorture(TRUE) on.
> Thanks,
> Kevin
> On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 2:42 PM, John Mous <john.mous0 at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I am passing back a very simple std::map<std::string, int> from Rcpp as
> > follows:
> >
> > std::map<std::string, int> result;
> > result["X1"] = X1;
> > result["X2"] = X2;
> > result["X3"] = X3;
> > result["X4"] = X4;
> > return wrap(result);
> >
> > The keys are hardcoded as shown, and the values X1-X4 are ints. Almost
> > always everything works fine, however, very intermittently, a vector is
> > returned on the R side _without_ named fields. For example:
> >
> > Browse[1]> results
> > [1] 1 2 863 0
> > Error during wrapup: 'getCharCE' must be called on a CHARSXP
> > Browse[1]> str(results)
> > atomic [1:4] 1 2 863 0
> > - attr(*, "")= symbol X1
> > - attr(*, "")= language `[[<-`(`*tmp*`, sim, value = 1L)
> >
> > results[[X1]] works, but results[["X1"]] does not, and X2-X4 can be
> > retrieved only by index. However, again, most runs are successful:
> >
> > Browse[1]> results
> > X1 X2 X3 X4
> > 1 1 3254 0
> > Browse[1]> str(results)
> > Named int [1:4] 1 1 3254 0
> > - attr(*, "names")= chr [1:4] "X1" "X2" "X3" "X4"
> >
> >
> > I am using R 3.1.0 and Rcpp 0.11.1. Does the message "Error during
> wrapup:
> > 'getCharCE' must be called on a CHARSXP" within this context hint
> anything
> > to anyone familiar with Rcpp's internals? I realize it's almost
> impossible
> > to diagnose with the given information -- is there a way to get Rcpp to
> > display more debugging information?
> >
> > Thank you.
> >
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