[Rcpp-devel] How to define a function called when R exited

Jerome MARQUET jerome.marquet at lixoft.net
Tue May 6 18:53:32 CEST 2014


I am building a package "myModule" and would like to define a function 
that will be called when R is exited.

So I defined a function

    /RcppExport void R_unload_mlxComputeR(DllInfo *info)//
    //    // Do sthg//

and I observe that it is called when dyn.unload(myModule) is called. But 
the function is not called when R is exited. I wonder if there is a 
similar function (like R_exit_packgName or R_quit_packageName) that is 
called when R is exited ?
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