[Rcpp-devel] Trouble linking with Rcpp

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Tue Jul 8 12:35:00 CEST 2014

On 8 July 2014 at 11:54, Jonathon Love wrote:
| Hash: SHA512
| Hi,
| I'm just trying to get my head around linking with Rcpp, because I
| often have difficulties with this step. I'm developing an application
| that embeds R using RInside and Rcpp (shout out to dirk for making these!)
| I have an R install which I can link my application against, and that
| all works fine, but whenever I try and use a new R installation,
| linking against Rcpp always fails. (I guess I fluked it the first time)

Please define "try and use a new R installation".

With RInside, it is strongly recommended you build and install Rcpp and
RInside from source, ie from the the .tar.gz and not just use the .tgz you
get prebuilt from CRAN.
| For example, using Rcpp 0.10.6, R-3.0.3 on OS X mavericks, I get the
| error message below. This isn't because it can't find the
| libRcpp.dylib, if i remove it from library path, i get a whole lot
| more undefined symbol complaints.
| Is this indicative of libRcpp.dylib and my application being built
| with different compilers? and them formatting their symbol tables
| slightly differently? But to my knowledge, i only have the latest
| clang installed.

See above. Your hunch is good.  If you build everything with the same
compiler it should work.
| I thought that perhaps it had to do with link flags, but on my
| machine, Rcpp::RcppLdFlags() always returns an empty string.

See the release notes for 0.11.0. This changed, and is easier now. We no
longer use an external library, so this helper function no longer provides
link instructions for one.  

| If anyone could help me understand what's going on, I would appreciate
| that.
| with thanks
| Jonathon
| Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
|   "demangle(std::string const&)", referenced from:
|       std::string
| Rcpp::get_return_type_dispatch<Rcpp::DataFrame>(Rcpp::traits::integral_constant<bool,
| false>) in rcppbridge.o
|   "Rcpp::Environment::operator[](std::string const&)", referenced from:
|       Rcpp::InternalFunction::set(SEXPREC*) in rcppbridge.o
|   "Rcpp::Environment::get(std::string const&) const", referenced from:
|       Rcpp::Environment::Binding::operator
| Rcpp::Function<Rcpp::Function>() const in rcppbridge.o
|   "Rcpp::Environment::assign(std::string const&, SEXPREC*) const",
| referenced from:
|       bool Rcpp::Environment::assign<std::string>(std::string const&,
| std::string const&) const in rcppbridge.o
|       bool Rcpp::Environment::assign<Rcpp::Vector<19> >(std::string
| const&, Rcpp::Vector<19> const&) const in rcppbridge.o
|       bool
| Rcpp::Environment::assign<Rcpp::InternalFunction>(std::string const&,
| Rcpp::InternalFunction const&) const in rcppbridge.o
|   "Rcpp::RObject::attr(std::string const&) const", referenced from:
|       RcppBridge::readDataSet(std::map<std::string,
| Column::ColumnType, std::less<std::string>,
| std::allocator<std::pair<std::string const, Column::ColumnType> > >
| const&) in rcppbridge.o
|       RcppBridge::makeFactor(Rcpp::Vector<13>&, Labels const&, bool)
| in rcppbridge.o
|       RcppBridge::makeFactor(Rcpp::Vector<13>&,
| std::vector<std::string, std::allocator<std::string> > const&, bool)
| in rcppbridge.o
|       RcppBridge::readDataSetHeader(std::map<std::string,
| Column::ColumnType, std::less<std::string>,
| std::allocator<std::pair<std::string const, Column::ColumnType> > >
| const&) in rcppbridge.o
|       Rcpp::Vector<16>::push_back__impl(SEXPREC* const&,
| Rcpp::traits::integral_constant<bool, true>) in rcppbridge.o
| ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
| - -- 
| How happy is he born and taught,
| That serveth not another's will;
| Whose armour is his honest thought,
| And simple truth his utmost skill
| This man is freed from servile bands
| Of hope to rise, or fear to fall:
| Lord of himself, though not of lands,
| And, having nothing, yet hath all.
|   -- Sir Henry Wotton
| Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.20 (Darwin)
| Comment: GPGTools - https://gpgtools.org
| Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/
| djVInafGyrNjnVsv4Yz29WGE/dRM/MVfU8xf9ovkEEE7i2QQ5S2oHnoYxJH8d7o6
| 50o/LjFehJ0KoWyXXHr90xEtYaSaxFTgoCJ5WsbruNYKGxktsxiZt+3O798M97ws
| 92iV9u3hrqMngvTN3Bkqky3S8IFg4fJWALgozFTY/IocjvbRgokT/hM6RfIbFITs
| +VneRdXHMzLCEI39wk2bZtbXcttZquuShkTSj3Y3+z5tNOMuvd8NnaHBppaLjDsV
| DaXqNBrawHGM7OjF8gOiYaaMleZO04WGY8ByngyOx8iOlZ/NEdWI+ZlEqRVnlU16
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| JWf2mub/jtyAdG9/2fja
| =qWw7
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