[Rcpp-devel] Bug when using #' @title Hello world
Dirk Eddelbuettel
edd at debian.org
Wed Feb 26 17:15:29 CET 2014
On 26 February 2014 at 16:53, Dieter Menne wrote:
| Hi,
Welcome to the Rcpp list.
| I feel guilty that I am a Windows user, and that I am using RStudio, both
| of which is not welcome here.
Can we leave the trolling out and concentrate on Rcpp isssues here?
This list has worked quite well this way for a few years, and I wouldn't mind
carrying on in that way.
| of which is not welcome here. At least the latter is probably not guilty
| here. Before looking at the details, I had reported it on the RStudio list,
| because I thought it was a problem with rox
| To reproduce:
| -- Generate the default rcpp_hello_world
| -- Test; all works well in my installation, since I am using Rcpp a lot anyway.
| -- Add the following title line to rcpp_hello_world.cpp
Sorry, I'm at work with limited time for this, but how is that not simply a
roxygen bug?
You seem to start with a working file, you then add roxygen stuff, and it no
longer works.
If it were me, I'd try without roxygen. Or at least start from the existing
working roxygen + cpp examples, rather than trying a corner case of a single
'title' line.
| //' @title Hello world
| #include <Rcpp.h>
| using namespace Rcpp;
| // [[Rcpp::export]]
| List rcpp_hello_world() {
| ---
| With compileAttributes, this generates:
| # This file was generated by Rcpp::compileAttributes
| # Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393
| #' @title Hello world
| rcpp_hello_world <- function() {
| .Call('test_rcpp_hello_world', PACKAGE = 'test')
| }
| -----
| That's fine, but note the NULL, which kills the rest of my manual building chain.
| R version 3.0.2 (2013-09-25)
| Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
| locale:
| [1] LC_COLLATE=German_Germany.1252 LC_CTYPE=German_Germany.1252
| [3] LC_MONETARY=German_Germany.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C
| [5] LC_TIME=German_Germany.1252
| attached base packages:
| [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
| other attached packages:
| [1] Rcpp_0.11.0.2 roxygen2_4.0.0 test_1.0
| loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
| [1] brew_1.0-6 digest_0.6.4 fortunes_1.5-2 stringr_0.6.2 tools_3.0.2
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Dirk Eddelbuettel | edd at debian.org | http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com
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