[Rcpp-devel] Fwd: CRAN submission growfunctions 0.1

Kevin Ushey kevinushey at gmail.com
Sun Aug 10 08:55:23 CEST 2014

Hi All,

Just to confirm -- we can trigger this error with arbitrary integer sparse
matrices, e.g. (running with ASAN):

cppFunction("arma::sp_mat asSpMat(SEXP S) { return as<arma::sp_mat>(S); }",
m <- Matrix(sample(0:5, 100, TRUE), 20, 5, sparse = TRUE)

So it looks like it's an Rcpp(Armadillo) bug after all -- we'll try to
figure out what's causing it.

Thanks for the report!


On Sat, Aug 9, 2014 at 6:37 PM, Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd at debian.org> wrote:

> Hi Terrance,
> On 9 August 2014 at 20:05, terrance savitsky wrote:
> | darn.  i R CMD check'd --as-cran under R-devel and also loaded the
> minimal
> | package, sparseList_1.1, the example and test run without issue​
> | [icon_10_ge] sparseList_1.1.tar.gz
> Read the section "4.3 Checking memory access" of Writing R Extensions.
> You need a version of R compiled with "-fsanitize=address" as described
> there.
> My Docker image provides that, hence my links in the first email.
> | ​.  So I'm stumped why the test is failing for you and not me.  I attach
> the
> | file, again, just in I included the wrong version.  Sorry I wasn't able
> to get
> | you a link that you could wget.  I work in the U.S. federal system and am
> | limited by security protocols in what I'm able to do.  Thanks for being
> | patient.
> |
> | Since I include the data object (which requires both the spam and Matrix
> | packages), I can/will remove the dependencies on those packages.  Since
> I have
> | an example written into the documentation that runs on check, I will
> remove the
> | test I added (and, therefore, testthat).   I will do this in the next
> day or
> | so, assuming what I attached still doesn't work.
> The minimal example we asked to provided is as follows
>     library(sparseList)    ## just to get the data set
>     data(C)                ## gets a list, you only need the first element
>     ## function to invoke as<spmat>() on supplied argument
>     cppFunction("arma::sp_mat asSpMat(SEXP S) { return
> as<arma::sp_mat>(S); }", depends="RcppArmadillo")
>     ## call it: boom (if using -fsanitize=address)
>     asSpMat(C[[1]])
> The open question now is whether your dgCMatrix is valid (likely) in which
> case our code may be wrong (yet someone who actually __used ans understands
> sparse matrix storage conventions__ needs to look at it).  Our code
> survived
> the tests we threw at it, as well as use by other people using sparse
> matrix.
> Or you created a faulty dgCMatrix, in which case the bug is yours.
> Your didn't show how you create 'C'.  So we can't really tell.
> And this point it would be good if you could do some digging. You're
> closest
> to your issue.
> Dirk
> | Stepping back, the code works in both the minimal package and
> growfunctions -
> | it inputs a list of dgCMatrix objects, assigns the elements to a
> field<sp_mat>
> | object and then writes it back out to a List object.  The elements of the
> | outputted list object at the R layer are, indeed, dgCMatrix objects.   So
> | 'yes', the script you referenced does create a valid dgCMatrix object
> and i've
> | verified such.
> |
> | As an aside, the C++ file embeds an R script that Kevin asked for if
> that is
> | useful.
> You need to run it under an executable instrumented for memory debugging to
> trigger the bug.
> Dirk
> |
> | terrance.
> |
> |
> | On Sat, Aug 9, 2014 at 7:14 PM, Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd at debian.org>
> wrote:
> |
> |
> |     Terrance,
> |
> |     On 9 August 2014 at 18:23, terrance savitsky wrote:
> |     | Hi Dirk, The revised version of this toy package, sparseList, does
> |     exactly what
> |     | you request.  I've included a data set that is of the same
> construction
> |     (of
> |     | dgCMatrix elements from R::Matrix wrapped into a list object) and
> have
> |     added
> |     | both an example and test that call this data.  The package is
> minimal,
> |     with a
> |     | simple .cpp function (that reads in the list of dgCMatrix objects
> and
> |     | writes the elements to an arma::field<arma:sp_mat>)  to isolate the
> |     source of
> |     | the error in growfunctions.
> |     |
> |     | I attach the tarball, which you may also access through the
> following
> |     URL:
> |     |
> |     | https://drive.google.com/file/d/
> |     | 0B0DIDcaf6yMwZDRDZUNLd0lBbmZ3OHlHSzIyeV9hZ3RxZ0xr/edit?usp=sharing
> |
> |     Did not work via wget, required a webpage visit and download.
> |
> |     Package has extraneous dependencies (you do not need testthat to
> call a
> |     function).
> |
> |     Moreover, testthat seems to pivot over to /usr/bin/R rather than
> Rdevel
> |     (not
> |     your issues, but you're not helping as it is not a minimally
> reproducible
> |     example).
> |
> |     You also still import / depend on spam. Why?
> |
> |     | I hope this gives you what you need and thanks very much for
> looking into
> |     this.
> |
> |     I does blow up when I do
> |
> |        > library(sparseList)
> |        Loading required package: Rcpp
> |        > data(C)
> |        > sparse_list <- manip_sparseList(C)
> |
> |     and it similarly blows up when R CMD check runs the examples.
> |
> |
> |
> |     But the question is whether your code which does
> |
> |         ## ...
> |
> |         ## convert to dcgmatrices (under Matrix package) required for
> sparse
> |     representation
> |         ## as sp_mats in RcppArmadillo
> |         C[[k]]               <- as(C[[k]], "dgCMatrix")
> |
> |
> |     creates a valid dgCMatrix. I do not know.
> |
> |     RcppArmadillo is used by 77 packages on CRAN.  Prof Ripley checks
> all of
> |     those via valgrind and ASAN.  Only yours threw an error.
> |
> |     I am not yet convinced this is our issue. I could of course be wrong.
> |
> |     Anyway, I won't be able to look at this for few days. Moreover, I do
> not
> |     use
> |     sparse matrices -- so you may need to rely on someone else to debug
> this
> |     for
> |     you, or do it yourself.
> |
> |     Sorry, Dirk
> |
> |     |
> |     | Terrance
> |     | ​
> |     | [icon_10_ge] sparseList_1.1.tar.gz
> |     | ​
> |     |
> |     |
> |     | On Sat, Aug 9, 2014 at 5:25 PM, Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd at debian.org>
> wrote:
> |     |
> |     |
> |     |     Hi Terrance,
> |     |
> |     |     On 9 August 2014 at 16:58, terrance savitsky wrote:
> |     |     | Hi Guys,
> |     |     |
> |     |     | I embed a data list object of dgCMatrix elements (produced
> in the
> |     same
> |     |     manner
> |     |     | as used in package, growfunctions) in an .RData file located
> in the
> |     |     sparseList
> |     |     | \data folder. I'm not sure what script and data ASAN uses to
> |     conduct the
> |     |     memory
> |     |     | check.  I'm guessing the package examples are run.  So I
> added an
> |     example
> |     |     that
> |     |     | loads the .RData object embedded with this toy package,
> |     sparseList.
> |     |     Please
> |     |     | pardon me if my understanding is off.   I also embedd an R
> script
> |     in the
> |     |     single
> |     |
> |     |     It's not complicated.
> |     |
> |     |     'R CMD check' needs a code path that does this, which can be as
> |     simple as
> |     |     an
> |     |     example section in the manual page (mayne you meant this by
> 'added an
> |     |     example').  Or something tickled via a test script in tests/.
> |     |
> |     |     You submitted a CRAN package. It has testable code. It failed.
> We now
> |     need
> |     |     a
> |     |     _minimal reproducible example_, ideally without a long tail of
> |     |     dependencies,
> |     |     to examine it.
> |     |
> |     |     | toy package .cpp file that generates the same data (list
> object of
> |     |     dgCMatrix
> |     |     | objects created using R::Matrix) and runs an example.
> |     |     |
> |     |     | Terrance
> |     |     | ​
> |     |     |
> |     |     | [icon_10_ge] sparseList_1.1.tar.gz
> |     |
> |     |     Can you update to a version which loads data and passes down
> to the
> |     code
> |     |     which was seen to tickle this?
> |     |
> |     |     And then place it somewhere where we can get it with a simple
> wget or
> |     curl
> |     |     call.
> |     |
> |     |     Thanks, Dirk
> |     |      ​
> |     |
> |     |     |
> |     |     | On Sat, Aug 9, 2014 at 3:02 PM, Kevin Ushey <
> kevinushey at gmail.com>
> |     wrote:
> |     |     |
> |     |     |     Hi Terrance,
> |     |     |
> |     |     |     Can you please try to construct a reproducible example
> based on
> |     the
> |     |     |     (tagged, potentially offending) line of code -- that is,
> |     |     |
> |     |     |         #4 0x7f79b6541df0 in IGMRFDPMIX
> |     |     |
> /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-49x/growfunctions/src/
> |     |     dpmix.cpp:63
> |     |     |
> |     |     |     which has the line:
> |     |     |
> |     |     |         C(k,0)          = as<sp_mat>(Cr[k]);
> |     |     |
> |     |     |     Can you construct a small, reproducible example using
> objects
> |     'C',
> |     |     |     'Cr' as you construct in the package, and then see if
> that
> |     gives a
> |     |     |     similar error?
> |     |     |
> |     |     |     Preferably you can construct this using Rcpp Attributes,
> so an
> |     |     example
> |     |     |     of the form
> |     |     |
> |     |     |         // [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]]
> |     |     |
> |     |     |         #include <RcppArmadillo.h>
> |     |     |         using namespace Rcpp;
> |     |     |
> |     |     |         // [[Rcpp::export]]
> |     |     |         SEXP test(SEXP C, SEXP Cr) {
> |     |     |           ... use C, Cr as above...
> |     |     |         }
> |     |     |
> |     |     |         /*** R
> |     |     |         ... construct C, Cr on the R side as necessary ...
> |     |     |         */
> |     |     |
> |     |     |     That way, we can 'sourceCpp' it and immediately
> investigate.
> |     |     |
> |     |     |     Thanks,
> |     |     |     Kevin
> |     |     |
> |     |     |     On Sat, Aug 9, 2014 at 11:31 AM, terrance savitsky <
> |     tds151 at gmail.com>
> |     |     |     wrote:
> |     |     |     > Dirk,  Thanks much for taking the time to investigate
> this
> |     issue.
> |     |      I've
> |     |     |     > created a package (sparseList_1.0.tar.gz) with a
> minimal
> |     example of
> |     |     what
> |     |     |     > writing from a list of dgCMatrix matrices at the R
> layer to a
> |     field
> |     |     |     <sp_mat>.
> |     |     |     > I had intended to install boot2docker and use load your
> |     R-devel
> |     |     set-up to
> |     |     |     a
> |     |     |     > container so that I could replicate the ASAN-generated
> error.
> |      Its
> |     |     taking
> |     |     |     me
> |     |     |     > longer than I'd hoped, however, so - for now - I
> include the
> |     |     package
> |     |     |     tarball
> |     |     |     > with the minimal example and also an R script
> |     |     (sparse_list_to_field.R) so
> |     |     |     > that you may see what the function does.
> |     |     |     > Terrance
> |     |     |     >  sparse_list_to_field.R
> |     |     |     >
> |     |     |     >  sparseList_1.0.tar.gz
> |     |     |     >
> |     |     |     >
> |     |     |     >
> |     |     |     > On Sat, Aug 9, 2014 at 11:50 AM, Dirk Eddelbuettel <
> |     edd at debian.org>
> |     |     |     wrote:
> |     |     |     >>
> |     |     |     >>
> |     |     |     >> Terrance,
> |     |     |     >>
> |     |     |     >> So I took a look with one of the prebuilt versions of
> R
> |     using the
> |     |     Docker
> |     |     |     >> container I prepare (see the blog / sanitizers
> write-up I
> |     linked
> |     |     to) as
> |     |     |     I
> |     |     |     >> realized that we had a Rcpp Gallery post similar to
> what
> |     that as<>
> |     |     |     >> conversion
> |     |     |     >> does.
> |     |     |     >>
> |     |     |     >> And no issue with that code.
> |     |     |     >>
> |     |     |     >> From a brief look at your package it seems like you
> are
> |     pushing
> |     |     the
> |     |     |     >> envelope
> |     |     |     >> a lot harder with fields and list of sparse matrices
> ( in
> |     |     dpmix.cpp,
> |     |     |     where
> |     |     |     >> another ASAN log pointed to ) so you may have to debug
> |     around
> |     |     there.
> |     |     |     >>
> |     |     |     >> A small reproducible example would surely help us. So
> far I
> |     don't
> |     |     have
> |     |     |     one
> |     |     |     >> for as<sp_mat>.
> |     |     |     >>
> |     |     |     >> Dirk
> |     |     |     >>
> |     |     |     >> --
> |     |     |     >> http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel |
> |     edd at debian.org
> |     |     |     >
> |     |     |     >
> |     |     |     >
> |     |     |     >
> |     |     |     > --
> |     |     |     > Thank you, Terrance Savitsky
> |     |     |     >
> |     |     |     > _______________________________________________
> |     |     |     > Rcpp-devel mailing list
> |     |     |     > Rcpp-devel at lists.r-forge.r-project.org
> |     |     |     >
> https://lists.r-forge.r-project.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/
> |     |     rcpp-devel
> |     |     |
> |     |     |
> |     |     |
> |     |     |
> |     |     | --
> |     |     | Thank you, Terrance Savitsky
> |     |
> |     |     --
> |     |     http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd at debian.org
> |     |
> |     |
> |     |
> |     |
> |     | --
> |     | Thank you, Terrance Savitsky
> |
> |     --
> |     http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd at debian.org
> |
> |
> |
> |
> | --
> | Thank you, Terrance Savitsky
> --
> http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd at debian.org
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