[Rcpp-devel] Fwd: Looping over the parameters of a function

Petre Caraiani petre.caraiani at gmail.com
Tue Apr 8 17:36:21 CEST 2014

I don't know how to change the parameters of the function. The Brent
routine finds the root of a function depending just on x. I know how to
pass a vector between R and C, but I want to pass it to the function, while
having the function depending on variable x only.

On Tuesday, April 8, 2014, Dirk Eddelbuettel
<edd at debian.org<javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','edd at debian.org');>>

> On 8 April 2014 at 16:41, Petre Caraiani wrote:
> | I have a code in C which computes the root of a function using the Brent
> | algorithm. The code is attached below. I provided the full code but you
> can
> | focus on the function definition and the main program. I can call this
> program
> | from R. What I am interested in is looping over the parameters of the
> defined
> | function. For example, passing an array a to the C program and computing
> the
> | root of the function: (x*x-a[i]/2) for each entry in vector a.
> I don't follow. Excactly what is issue you are having?  How to pass a
> vector
> from R to C++ and back?  How to access elements in the vector?
> You seem to have all relevant elements in place. Have a look at posted
> examples, eg on the Rcpp Gallery, or examples included in the Rcpp or other
> packages.
> Dirk
> --
> Dirk Eddelbuettel | edd at debian.org | http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com
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