[Rcpp-devel] Using data-frames as sets of rows (e.g. using R data-frames as lookup tables in C++)
Mark Clements
mark.clements at ki.se
Fri Sep 6 16:20:34 CEST 2013
By my understanding, Rcpp is better suited to working with data-frames as columns rather than working with data-frames as a set of rows. However, occasionally it may be useful to work with the set of rows. How have others considered this use case?
[As a motivating example based on simulations in C++, we want to pass data-frames from R for use as look-up tables in C++ (cf. passing transformed data back to R). The STL container std::map is well suited to this task, particularly as it provides ordered keys.
In the following code, we define a template class Table1D which reads in a data-frame and defines the map key with the first column and the map value with the second column. The only sophistication here is (i) using std::greater as a comparison function and (ii) using Rcpp traits. Note that calling the function from R is only shown for demonstration.
lookup <- rcpp(signature(df="data.frame",x="numeric"),
Table1D<double,double> table = Table1D<double,double>(df);
return wrap(table(as<double>(x)));
#include <map>
#include <functional>
template <class Index, class Outcome>
class Table1D {
std::map<Index,Outcome,std::greater<Index> > data;
Table1D(DataFrame df, int iIndex = 0, int iOutcome = 1) {
Vector<Rcpp::traits::r_sexptype_traits<Index>::rtype> df0 = df[iIndex];
Vector<Rcpp::traits::r_sexptype_traits<Outcome>::rtype> df1 = df[iOutcome];
for (size_t i=0; i<df0.size(); i++) {
data[df0[i]] = df1[i];
virtual Outcome lookup(Index index) {
return data.lower_bound(index)->second;
virtual Outcome operator()(Index index) {
return lookup(index);
lookup(data.frame(as.numeric(1:1000000),10.0*as.numeric(1:1000000)), 12345.5)
See also https://github.com/mclements/microsimulation/blob/master/src/rcpp_table.h for an extension to higher dimensions.]
Sincerely, Mark.
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