[Rcpp-devel] question re: LdFlags, RcppLdFlags

Romain Francois romain at r-enthusiasts.com
Thu Oct 10 03:29:28 CEST 2013

Le 10/10/13 03:21, Dirk Eddelbuettel a écrit :
> On 10 October 2013 at 02:56, Romain Francois wrote:
> | Le 10/10/13 02:41, Dirk Eddelbuettel a écrit :
> | >
> | > (Combining two of your emails)
> | >
> | > On 10 October 2013 at 01:08, Romain Francois wrote:
> | > | RcppGSL does not export its LdFlags, if it did, you'd see the warning
> | > | when you load it.
> | >
> | > Good catch ... but turns out I don't (to my surprise).
> |
> | Yes; My mistake. almost 3 am here :/
> Understood.
> But also -- "this may yet be different": For RcppGSL, CFlags() and LdFlags()
> export the -I... and -L... -l... values for _the GNU GSL_ and not for us. I
> think I once wrote that to help package mvabund which of course still doesn't
> use it (and still uses a bunch of should-be-replaced fragments, but heck, not
> my package).
> So nothing actually used this until ... I got RcppZiggurat version 0.0.1 onto
> CRAN on Sunday.  So I can say with a straight face that the functions are
> used on CRAN (and made linking to the GSL a total breeze, incl Windows builds
> via win-builder etc).
> | > | Why would you import Rcpp's LdFlags inside RcppGSL's namespace, you
> | > | don't use it there.
> | >
> | > R CMD check did complain, I guess it must grep for src/ to find it in
> | > Makevars. Once I imported the complaint went away.
> |
> | If this fixes something for you, that's fine. I just don't get why you
> | would import something you don't use.
> To make R CMD check happy, mostly.  As I said in this thread. I was quite
> fine with how we use ':::' here.  "They were not."  So I cope and adapt.
> | What makes sense to me now is both Rcpp and RcppGSL exporting their own
> | LdFlags. Having RcppGSL import the one from Rcpp makes no sense to me.
> | But if it makes R CMD check happy.
> It's all pretty odd, see above.
> Now: does dplyrRcpp actually export its library?  Who would link against it?


Whoever who wants to use the classes it defines. dplyrRcpp exists mainly 
for facilitating the implementation of dplyr, but some of the concepts 
are general and could be used as building blocks of other things.

I could/will make these things as header only, or using GetCCallable 
anyway so linking is not a long term problem.

> | Soon they are going to rename it R CMD ChuckNorris
> Saw your tweet. Quite.

That was tweet worthy

> | > Generally speaking, and as I understand recent r-devel threads, Imports: and
> | > importFrom(...) is how we are supposed to work with NAMESPACEs now.  That is
> | > also what I did here, and what you roundly mocked one email ago (see above).
> |
> | I'm sorry you preceived mockery.
> Well, that's how your tone comes across a lot lately over on my end. But then
> neither one of us is a native speaker in the language we use to communicate,
> so their may be some loss in the signal.
> Dirk

Romain Francois
Professional R Enthusiast
+33(0) 6 28 91 30 30

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