[Rcpp-devel] Defining template specialisation for wrap on Windows 64bit (Compilation error: 'result_type' does not name a type)

Renaud Gaujoux renaud at mancala.cbio.uct.ac.za
Thu Oct 3 14:45:45 CEST 2013

Thanks Dirk for shooting ideas here :)

> If you only need the RNGs from R, did you consider using R's standalone Math
> library?  We can build that fine on Linux, maybe it can be built on Windows?
> (Not sure anybody would have it ...)

In short: 1) not needed 2) not wanted

In long:
1) not needed: the RNGs are used in the Octave modules, which build
fine on both Linux and Windows against the current (not standalone) R
2) not wanted: I link against the currently used R library because I
want to use exactly its RNG, with synchronised seed etc... libRmath
only provides one kind of RNG, which is not even the default RNG in
vanilla R (who knows why...) No ways of forcing a particular seed
(i.e. an RNG kind).

I wish I could solve this issue, which is probably linked to some
strange conflict, since I don't think I use any Linux specific stuff,
only std. Seemed just a few steps to the cross-platform leap :(


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