[Rcpp-devel] Bug with table sugar and NumericVector in Rcpp 0.10.3

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Fri Mar 29 14:31:02 CET 2013

On 29 March 2013 at 09:11, romain at r-enthusiasts.com wrote:
| Hello,
| This is related to this change:
| 2013-01-15  Dirk Eddelbuettel  <edd at debian.org>
| 	* src/api.cpp (Rcpp): Commented-out coerce_to_string() for real and
| 	complex arguments as R-devel (as of today) dislikes use of non-API
| 	functions Rf_EncodeComplex’, ‘Rf_EncodeReal’, ‘Rf_formatComplex’
| So maybe Dirk has a plan to fix it.

I do not. I had a choice to make between 

  a) keeping Rcpp on CRAN

  b) keeping that feature.

I chose a). 

If someone needs b), patches are always welcome.  It should not be hard to
support conversion to character.

It wasn't the first time, and likely not the last time, that I had to curtail
code of yours to make a release possible.  Such is life.  

You write a lot of great code, but some violates some CRAN guidelines
(which unfortunately change over time) and some break other things. So
sometimes we do need to revert. 

| Romain
| Le 2013-03-29 07:27, Kevin Ushey a écrit :
| > Hi guys,
| >
| > When I attempt to 'sourceCpp' the following code, the R session
| > crashes:
| >
| > #include <Rcpp.h>
| > using namespace Rcpp;
| >
| > // [[Rcpp::export]]
| > IntegerVector counts(NumericVector x) {
| >   return table(x);
| > }
| >
| > The same code worked in Rcpp 0.10.2.
| >
| > A hint to the error comes if I try to compile a package with that
| > source code in a .cpp file: I get the error, when attempting to load
| > the package:
| > 
| > dlopen(/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/2.15/Resources/library/anRpackage/libs/x86_64/anRpackage.so,
| > 6): Symbol not found:
| > 
| > __ZN4Rcpp8internal16coerce_to_stringILi14EEEPKcNS_6traits12storage_typeIXT_EE4typeE
| >    Referenced from:
| > 
| > /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/2.15/Resources/library/anRpackage/libs/x86_64/anRpackage.so
| >   Expected in: flat namespace
| >  in
| > 
| > /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/2.15/Resources/library/anRpackage/libs/x86_64/anRpackage.so
| >
| > This is with R 2.15.3 on Mac OSX 10.8.3.
| >
| > -----
| >
| > In addition, if I attempt to compile Rcpp from source (with gcc 4.8) 
| > I
| > get the following warnings:
| >
| >> install.packages("Rcpp", type="source",
| > INSTALL_opts="--no-multiarch")
| > Installing package(s) into
| > ‘/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/2.15/Resources/library’
| > (as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
| > trying URL 'http://cran.rstudio.com/src/contrib/Rcpp_0.10.3.tar.gz
| > [1]'
| > Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 2395986 bytes (2.3 Mb)
| > opened URL
| > ==================================================
| > downloaded 2.3 Mb
| >
| > * installing *source* package ‘Rcpp’ ...
| > ** package ‘Rcpp’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
| > ** libs
| > *** arch - x86_64
| > g++ -arch x86_64 -I/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/include
| > -I/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/include/x86_64 -DNDEBUG
| > -I../inst/include/ -I/usr/local/include    -fPIC  -g -O3 -Wall
| > -pedantic -c Date.cpp -o Date.o
| > g++ -arch x86_64 -I/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/include
| > -I/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/include/x86_64 -DNDEBUG
| > -I../inst/include/ -I/usr/local/include    -fPIC  -g -O3 -Wall
| > -pedantic -c Module.cpp -o Module.o
| > In file included from ../inst/include/Rcpp/Module.h:352:0,
| >                  from ../inst/include/Rcpp.h:63,
| >                  from Module.cpp:22:
| > ../inst/include/Rcpp/module/class.h: In member function
| > ‘Rcpp::class_<Class>::self& Rcpp::class_<Class>::derives(const
| > char*)’:
| > ../inst/include/Rcpp/module/class.h:495:56: warning: typedef
| > ‘parent_prop_class’ locally defined but not used
| > [-Wunused-local-typedefs]
| >              typedef typename parent_class_::prop_class
| > parent_prop_class ;
| > <snip, snip>
| >
| > although the package does install successfully. Not sure if it's
| > related or not.
| >
| > Thanks,
| > -Kevin
| >
| > Links:
| > ------
| > [1] http://cran.rstudio.com/src/contrib/Rcpp_0.10.3.tar.gz
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Dirk Eddelbuettel | edd at debian.org | http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com  

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