[Rcpp-devel] Multidimensional List (List of Lists)

Marco marcoigarapava at gmail.com
Mon Mar 25 04:28:15 CET 2013

> a) You posted twice. That's close to spamming.
Sorry, for some stupid reason I thought I had send the email to the 
wrong address.

> b) Your example is incomplete and non-reproducible. Not a way to earn brownie
> points either.

I guess you're right, I promise to do better next time.

> #include <Rcpp.h>
> using namespace Rcpp;
> // [[Rcpp::export]]
> List reclist(){
>      List a(2);
>      List output(2);
>      output[0] = IntegerVector::create( 10, 20 ) ;
>      output[1] = IntegerVector::create(_["foo"] = 20,
> 				      _["bar"] = 30 ) ;
>      a[0] = output;
>      a[1] = output;
>      return a;
> }
This worked well. Thanks for the help.

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