[Rcpp-devel] nested lists into Rcpp

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Sun Mar 17 22:03:23 CET 2013

On 17 March 2013 at 21:36, David GarcĂ­a Callejas wrote:
| Hi all, 
| this is my first question here:
| I have in R a list with several elements, some of them are lists, in the vein
| of this:
| mylist <- vector("list",10)
| for(m in 1:10){
|   mylist[[m]]$ID <- m
|   mylist[[m]]$num <- vector("list",5)
|   mylist[[m]]$num2 <- vector("list",5)
| }
| Is there a way to pass a data structure like this to a Rcpp function, convert
| it to an appropriate C++ structure, and after doing some work with it, return
| it in its original form?
| fun <- cxxfunction(signature(x='List'), plugin='Rcpp', body = '  
|  using namespace std;
|   List templist(x);
|   //operations...
|   return(wrap(templist));
|    ')   
| Surely I am missing something obvious here, but I am just arrived to Rcpp, and
| after looking in the documentation, I haven't found anything similar. 

There are working example in the RcppExamples packages -- and you need to
look at the C++ sources, obviously -- that do this.


| Thank you in advance
| David
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Dirk Eddelbuettel | edd at debian.org | http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com  

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