[Rcpp-devel] Simple List Operations

Greg Minshall minshall at umich.edu
Wed Mar 6 19:07:17 CET 2013

(since i've just been here...)

.../unitTests/runit.Vector.R has these tests:
test.List.erase <- function(){
    fun <- list_erase
    d <- list( x = 1:10, y = letters[1:10] )
                list( y = letters[1:10] ),
                msg = "List.erase" )

test.List.erase.range <- function(){
    fun <- list_erase_range
    d <- list( x = 1:10, y = letters[1:10], z = 1:10 )
                list( z = 1:10 ),
                msg = "List.erase (range version)" )

the functions list_erase{,_range} are in .../unitTests/cpp/Vector.cpp:
// [[Rcpp::export]]
List list_erase( List list ){
    list.erase( list.begin() ) ;
    return list ;

// [[Rcpp::export]]
List list_erase_range( List list ){
    list.erase( 0, 1 ) ;
    return list ;

i haven't tried these.

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