[Rcpp-devel] Dynamic Wrapping and Recursion with Rcpp - using an R function?
Tal Galili
tal.galili at gmail.com
Fri Jul 26 17:06:47 CEST 2013
Hello all,
I would like to write an Rcpp function that will get an R object, an R
function, and will use the function on the object through Rcpp.
For example:
cppFunction('NumericVector runRfuncSum(NumericVector x, Function fu) {
NumericVector fu_x = fu(x);
return fu_x;
runRfuncSum(c(1:4), sum)
However, following the example given here:
I would like this function to get an R List (specifically a dendrogram),
and will recursively go through all of the dendrogram nodes and apply the
I can't seem to get it to work.
For example:
List dendrapply_Cpp_fun(List x, Function FUN) {
// note: The FUN will change the object x itself
// hence - it must be clear to use an object we wish to change
(it will NOT be copied!)
for( List::iterator it = x.begin(); it != x.end(); ++it ) {
*it = FUN(*it);
*it = dendrapply_Cpp_fun(*it, FUN);
return x;
fu <- function(node) {
attr(node, "height") = attr(node, "height")+1
dend <- as.dendrogram(hclust(dist(USArrests[1:3,]), "ave"))
dendrapply_Cpp_fun(dend, fu)
Any suggestion as to why this is not working?
Contact me: Tal.Galili at gmail.com |
Read me: www.talgalili.com (Hebrew) | www.biostatistics.co.il (Hebrew) |
www.r-statistics.com (English)
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