[Rcpp-devel] Rcpp: Distinguishing between input types to function call

Romain Francois romain at r-enthusiasts.com
Thu Feb 21 08:11:18 CET 2013


Soren and I had the same idea, so we'll jointly write it for the Rcpp 


Le 20/02/13 17:55, Kevin Ushey a écrit :
> Hi Romain,
> Just wanted to give you a thanks for putting together this answer. It's
> a really great example of more generic programming with Rcpp by
> templating over the RTYPEs.
> You should consider submitting some version of this to the Rcpp gallery;
> I think it has a lot of use cases.
> -Kevin
> On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 12:53 AM, Romain Francois
> <romain at r-enthusiasts.com <mailto:romain at r-enthusiasts.com>> wrote:
>     Hello,
>     Here is a shorter version of your code. The key idea was to use
>     TYPEOF instead of Rf_inherits which uses the class attribute (simple
>     vectors don't have them).
>     #include <Rcpp.h>
>     using namespace Rcpp;
>     template <int RTYPE>
>     SEXP allpairsXtemplate_( SEXP XX_ ){
>        Vector<RTYPE> X(XX_);
>        Matrix<RTYPE> ans(2, X.size()*(X.size()-1)/2);
>        int col=0;
>        for (int ii=0; ii<X.size(); ii++){
>          for (int jj=ii+1; jj<X.size(); jj++){
>            ans(0,col) = X(ii);
>            ans(1,col++) = X(jj);
>          }
>        }
>        return ans ;
>     };
>     // [[Rcpp::export]]
>     SEXP allpairsX_ ( SEXP XX_ ){
>          int type = TYPEOF(XX_) ;
>          switch( type ){
>              case INTSXP : return allpairsXtemplate_<INTSXP> ( XX_ ) ;
>              case REALSXP: return allpairsXtemplate_<REALSXP>( XX_ ) ;
>              case STRSXP : return allpairsXtemplate_<STRSXP> ( XX_ ) ;
>          }
>          return R_NilValue ;
>     }
>     /*** R
>     XX1 <- letters[1:4] # character
>     XX2 <- 1:4          # integer
>     XX3 <- (1:4)+.5     # numeric
>     allpairsX_( XX1 )
>     allpairsX_( XX2 )
>     allpairsX_( XX3 )
>     ***/
>     Also, I'm templating allpairsXtemplate_ on the R type rather than
>     the actual classes, because NumericVector = Vector<REALSXP>, etc ...
>     About your code, with e.g. TT = NumericVector, you don't need as in :
>     TT X = as<TT>(XX_);
>     because NumericVector already has a SEXP constructor, that is why I
>     do: Vector<RTYPE> X(XX_);
>     Same for return(wrap(ans));  you don't need to call wrap here
>     because ans can convert itself to SEXP.
>     Another way to write this using Rcpp's builtin dispatch mechanism is
>     to use RCPP_RETURN_VECTOR. For example :
>     #include <Rcpp.h>
>     using namespace Rcpp;
>     template <typename T>
>     SEXP allpairsXtemplate_( const T& X){
>        const int RTYPE = T::r_type::value ;
>        Matrix<RTYPE> ans(2, X.size()*(X.size()-1)/2);
>        int col=0;
>        for (int ii=0; ii<X.size(); ii++){
>          for (int jj=ii+1; jj<X.size(); jj++){
>            ans(0,col) = X(ii);
>            ans(1,col++) = X(jj);
>          }
>        }
>        return ans ;
>     };
>     // [[Rcpp::export]]
>     SEXP allpairsX_ ( SEXP XX_ ){
>          RCPP_RETURN_VECTOR( allpairsXtemplate_, XX_ ) ;
>          return R_NilValue ; // never used
>     }
>     So we call one of the generated overloads of allpairsXtemplate_
>     which takes a Vector as input. From this vector, we can deduce the
>     RTYPE (at compile time):
>     const int RTYPE = T::r_type::value ;
>     use it to get the correct Matrix type : Matrix<RTYPE>.
>     Yet another way, probably the one I would use:
>     template <int RTYPE>
>     Matrix<RTYPE> allpairsXtemplate_( const Vector<RTYPE>& X){
>        Matrix<RTYPE> ans(2, X.size()*(X.size()-1)/2);
>        int col=0;
>        for (int ii=0; ii<X.size(); ii++){
>          for (int jj=ii+1; jj<X.size(); jj++){
>            ans(0,col) = X(ii);
>            ans(1,col++) = X(jj);
>          }
>        }
>        return ans ;
>     };
>     This works because RCPP_RETURN_VECTOR will cast to the appropriate
>     Vector type.
>     And knowing the RTYPE at first lets us use it on the output signture.
>     RCPP_RETURN_VECTOR is defined in dispatch.h (macro haters beware):
>     #define ___RCPP_HANDLE_CASE___( ___RTYPE___ , ___FUN___ ,
>     ___OBJECT___ , ___RCPPTYPE___ )       \
>              case ___RTYPE___ :
>                               \
>                      return ___FUN___( ::Rcpp::___RCPPTYPE___<
>     ___RTYPE___ >( ___OBJECT___ ) ) ;
>     #define ___RCPP_RETURN___( __FUN__, __SEXP__ , __RCPPTYPE__ )
>                                          \
>              SEXP __TMP__ = __SEXP__ ;
>                      \
>              switch( TYPEOF( __TMP__ ) ){
>               \
>                      ___RCPP_HANDLE_CASE___( INTSXP  , __FUN__ , __TMP__
>     , __RCPPTYPE__ )                    \
>                      ___RCPP_HANDLE_CASE___( REALSXP , __FUN__ , __TMP__
>     , __RCPPTYPE__ )                    \
>                      ___RCPP_HANDLE_CASE___( RAWSXP  , __FUN__ , __TMP__
>     , __RCPPTYPE__ )                    \
>                      ___RCPP_HANDLE_CASE___( LGLSXP  , __FUN__ , __TMP__
>     , __RCPPTYPE__ )                    \
>                      ___RCPP_HANDLE_CASE___( CPLXSXP , __FUN__ , __TMP__
>     , __RCPPTYPE__ )                    \
>                      ___RCPP_HANDLE_CASE___( STRSXP  , __FUN__ , __TMP__
>     , __RCPPTYPE__ )                    \
>                      ___RCPP_HANDLE_CASE___( VECSXP  , __FUN__ , __TMP__
>     , __RCPPTYPE__ )                    \
>                      ___RCPP_HANDLE_CASE___( EXPRSXP , __FUN__ , __TMP__
>     , __RCPPTYPE__ )                    \
>              default:
>                                       \
>                      throw std::range_error( "not a vector" ) ;
>                                                                   \
>              }
>     #define RCPP_RETURN_VECTOR( _FUN_, _SEXP_ )  ___RCPP_RETURN___(
>     _FUN_, _SEXP_ , Vector )
>     #define RCPP_RETURN_MATRIX( _FUN_, _SEXP_ )  ___RCPP_RETURN___(
>     _FUN_, _SEXP_ , Matrix )
>     Romain
>     Le 20/02/13 00:15, Søren Højsgaard a écrit :
>         Dear all
>         I have tried to follow Romains suggestion (thanks) below to
>         obtain all pairs of elements of a vector, for various input
>         types; i.e.
>            XX1 <- letters[1:4] # character
>            XX2 <- 1:4          # integer
>            XX3 <- (1:4)+.5     # numeric
>            combn(XX1, 2)
>                [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
>         [1,] "a"  "a"  "a"  "b"  "b"  "c"
>         [2,] "b"  "c"  "d"  "c"  "d"  "d"
>            combn(XX2, 2)
>                [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
>         [1,]    1    1    1    2    2    3
>         [2,]    2    3    4    3    4    4
>            combn(XX3, 2)
>                [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
>         [1,]  1.5  1.5  1.5  2.5  2.5  3.5
>         [2,] 2.5 3.5 4.5 3.5 4.5
>         <tel:2.5%20%203.5%20%204.5%20%203.5%20%204.5>  4.5
>         My take on this is as follows:
>         ------------------------------
>         #include <Rcpp.h>
>         #ifndef BEGIN_RCPP
>         #define BEGIN_RCPP
>         #endif
>         #ifndef END_RCPP
>         #define END_RCPP
>         #endif
>         using namespace Rcpp;
>         // [[Rcpp::export]]
>         template <typename TT, typename UU>
>         SEXP allpairsXtemplate_( SEXP XX_ ){
>             TT X = as<TT>(XX_);
>             UU ans(2, X.size()*(X.size()-1)/2);
>             int col=0;
>             for (int ii=0; ii<X.size(); ii++){
>               for (int jj=ii+1; jj<X.size(); jj++){
>                 ans(0,col) = X(ii);
>                 ans(1,col++) = X(jj);
>               }
>             }
>             return(wrap(ans));
>         };
>         // [[Rcpp::export]]
>         RcppExport SEXP allpairsX_char ( SEXP XX_ ){
>             return allpairsXtemplate_<__CharacterVector,
>         CharacterMatrix>(XX_);
>         }
>         // [[Rcpp::export]]
>         RcppExport SEXP allpairsX_int ( SEXP XX_ ){
>             return allpairsXtemplate_<__IntegerVector, IntegerMatrix>(XX_);
>         }
>         // [[Rcpp::export]]
>         RcppExport SEXP allpairsX_num ( SEXP XX_ ){
>             return allpairsXtemplate_<__NumericVector, NumericMatrix>(XX_);
>         }
>         // [[Rcpp::export]]
>         RcppExport SEXP allpairsX_ ( SEXP XX_ ){
>             if( Rf_inherits( XX_, "character" ) ){
>               Rcout << "character\n";
>               return allpairsXtemplate_<__CharacterVector,
>         CharacterMatrix>(XX_);
>             }
>             if (Rf_inherits( XX_, "integer" ) ){
>               Rcout << "integer\n";
>               return allpairsXtemplate_<__IntegerVector,
>         IntegerMatrix>(XX_);
>             }
>             if (Rf_inherits( XX_, "numeric" ) ){
>               Rcout << "numeric\n";
>               return allpairsXtemplate_<__NumericVector,
>         NumericMatrix>(XX_);
>             }
>             return R_NilValue;
>         }
>         ------------------------------
>         I correctly get:
>         dyn.load("template.dll")
>            .Call("allpairsX_char", XX1)
>                [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
>         [1,] "a"  "a"  "a"  "b"  "b"  "c"
>         [2,] "b"  "c"  "d"  "c"  "d"  "d"
>            .Call("allpairsX_int",  XX2)
>                [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
>         [1,]    1    1    1    2    2    3
>         [2,]    2    3    4    3    4    4
>            .Call("allpairsX_num",  XX3)
>                [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
>         [1,]  1.5  1.5  1.5  2.5  2.5  3.5
>         [2,] 2.5 3.5 4.5 3.5 4.5
>         <tel:2.5%20%203.5%20%204.5%20%203.5%20%204.5>  4.5
>            dyn.unload("template.dll")
>         However the function allpairsX_ fails:
>         dyn.load("template.dll")
>            .Call("allpairsX_", XX1)
>         NULL
>            .Call("allpairsX_", XX2)
>         NULL
>            .Call("allpairsX_", XX3)
>         NULL
>            dyn.unload("template.dll")
>         Now for the questions:
>         1) From various tests it seems that Rf_inherits does not work -
>         or perhaps I have misunderstood its usage. Any experiences with
>         that? Any other suggestions on how to dispatch on the input type?
>         2) I have never used templates before. Is the approach above
>         what "one would normally do"?
>         3) Using sourceCpp I get the following:
>         sourceCpp("template.cpp")
>         g++ -m64 -I"C:/programs/R/current/__include" -DNDEBUG
>         -I"C:/programs/R/current/__library/Rcpp/include"
>         -I"d:/RCompile/CRANpkg/__extralibs64/local/include"     -O2
>         -Wall  -mtune=core2 -c template.cpp -o template.o template.cpp:
>         In function 'SEXPREC*
>         sourceCpp_55702___allpairsXtemplate_(SEXP)': template.cpp:67:5:
>         error: a template declaration cannot appear at block scope
>         template.cpp:68:5: error: expected ';' before 'return'
>         template.cpp:66:10: warning: unused variable 'XX_'
>         [-Wunused-variable] template.cpp: In function 'SEXPREC*
>         sourceCpp_55702_allpairsX___char(SEXP)': template.cpp:76:5:
>         error: expected unqualified-id before string constant
>         template.cpp:77:23: error: '__result' was not declared in this
>         scope template.cpp:75:10: warning: unused variable 'XX_'
>         [-Wunused-variable] template.cpp: In function 'SEXPREC*
>         sourceCpp_55702_allpairsX_int(__SEXP)': template.cpp:85:5:
>         error: expected unqualified-id before string constant
>         template.cpp:86:23: error: '__result' was not declared in t
>     his scope
>     template.cpp:84:10: warning: unused variable 'XX_'
>     [-Wunused-variable] template.cpp: In function 'SEXPREC*
>     sourceCpp_55702_allpairsX_num(__SEXP)': template.cpp:94:5: error:
>     expected unqualified-id before string constant template.cpp:95:23:
>     error: '__result' was not declared in this scope template.cpp:93:10:
>     warning: unused variable 'XX_' [-Wunused-variable] template.cpp: In
>     function 'SEXPREC* sourceCpp_55702_allpairsX_(__SEXP)':
>     template.cpp:103:5: error: expected unqualified-id before string
>     constant template.cpp:104:23: error: '__result' was not declared in
>     this scope template.cpp:102:10: warning: unused variable 'XX_'
>     [-Wunused-variable] make: *** [template.o] Error 1
>         Error in sourceCpp("template.cpp") :
>             Error 1 occurred building shared library.
>         It seems that the error occurs because of the template. Am I
>         doing something wrong or is it just not possible to use
>         sourceCpp when templates are involved.
>         4) Not a question, but an observation: On windows the above
>         error message comes as one long line which means that I must
>         manually scroll to the end of the line ("to the far right").
>         Slightly annoying. For comparison, cxxfunction() produces error
>         in more readable form: One line per error. It would be nice if
>         sourceCpp did the same thing.
>         Thanks in advance - and thanks for making Rcpp available.
>         Best regards
>         Søren
>         -----Original Message-----
>         From: rcpp-devel-bounces at lists.r-__forge.r-project.org
>         <mailto:rcpp-devel-bounces at lists.r-forge.r-project.org>
>         [mailto:rcpp-devel-bounces at __lists.r-forge.r-project.org
>         <mailto:rcpp-devel-bounces at lists.r-forge.r-project.org>] On
>         Behalf Of Romain Francois
>         Sent: 3. december 2012 23:18
>         To: rcpp-devel at lists.r-forge.r-__project.org
>         <mailto:rcpp-devel at lists.r-forge.r-project.org>
>         Subject: Re: [Rcpp-devel] Rcpp: Distinguishing between input
>         types to function call
>         Hello,
>         I have not tested this, but I think you are looking for
>         templates. So you'd put generic code in this template function:
>         template <typename T>
>         SEXP topoSort( SEXP XX_ ){
>              const T X = Rcpp::as<T>(XX_) ;
>              ...
>         }
>         and two other functions to instantiate the template:
>         RcppExport SEXP C_topoSort_st ( SEXP XX_ ){
>                return topoSort< Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXi> >( XX_ ) ; }
>         RcppExport SEXP C_topoSort_sp ( SEXP XX_ ){
>                return topoSort< Eigen::MappedSparseMatrix<__double> >(
>         XX_ ) ; }
>         or Perhaps you would have one instead of the two, something like
>         this:
>         RcppExport SEXP topoSort_facade ( SEXP XX_ ){
>                  if( Rf_inherits( XX_, "dgCMatrix" ) ){
>                          return topoSort<
>         Eigen::MappedSparseMatrix<__double> >( XX_ ) ;
>                  } else {
>                          return topoSort< Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXi> >(
>         XX_ ) ;
>                  }
>         }
>         Le 03/12/12 22:58, Søren Højsgaard a écrit :
>             Dear list,
>             I represent a directed acyclic graph (DAG) as an adjacency
>             matrix. This can be either a "standard matrix" in R or as a
>             sparse matrix (dgCMatrix from the matrix package). I have
>             implemented a topological sort function for DAGs for these
>             two representations (using the RcppEigen package):
>             // standard matrix
>             RcppExport SEXP C_topoSort_st ( SEXP XX_ ){
>                  typedef Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXi> MapMati;
>                  const MapMati X(Rcpp::as<MapMati>(XX_));
>                  //typedef Eigen::MappedSparseMatrix<__double> MSpMat;
>                  //const MSpMat   X(as<MSpMat>(XX_));
>                  .... some code
>             }
>             // sparse matrix
>             RcppExport SEXP C_topoSort_sp ( SEXP XX_ ){
>                  //   typedef Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXi> MapMati;
>                  //   const MapMati X(Rcpp::as<MapMati>(XX_));
>                  typedef Eigen::MappedSparseMatrix<__double> MSpMat;
>                  const MSpMat   X(as<MSpMat>(XX_));
>                  .... some code
>             }
>             Notice: The functions only differ with respect to the first
>             four lines.
>             Question: Is there any way in which I can "reduce" these two
>             functions to only one which then checks the "type" of XX_ at
>             the entry and then creates the appropriate "type" of X?
>         Templates.
>             Question: Is it correct (haven't tried, just guessing from
>             what I've read) that I can not directly store 'some code' in
>             an inline function (because the correct type of X would need
>             to be known?
>         I think I understand what you mean, and that you are fine.
>             Apologies for trivial C++ questions - I am working on
>             learning it...
>         Those are good kind of questions to ask yourself. I hope this
>         will give you enough motivation to find out more about C++
>         templates.
>         Romain
>             The functions are listed below.
>             Best regards
>             Søren
>             ------------------------------__----
>             # include <RcppEigen.h>
>             # include <Rcpp.h>
>             #ifndef BEGIN_RCPP
>             #define BEGIN_RCPP
>             #endif
>             #ifndef END_RCPP
>             #define END_RCPP
>             #endif
>             using namespace Rcpp;
>             // standard matrix
>             RcppExport SEXP C_topoSort_st ( SEXP XX_ ){
>                  typedef Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXi> MapMati;
>                  const MapMati X(Rcpp::as<MapMati>(XX_));
>                  //typedef Eigen::MappedSparseMatrix<__double> MSpMat;
>                  //const MSpMat   X(as<MSpMat>(XX_));
>                  int ii, jj, kk=0, count=0, ll=0, flagsum=0;
>                  int ncX(X.rows());
>                  Eigen::VectorXi indegree(ncX);
>                  Eigen::VectorXi flag(ncX);
>                  Eigen::VectorXi ans(ncX);
>                  for (ii = 0; ii < ncX; ii++) {
>                    indegree[ii] = 0; flag[ii] = 0; ans[ii] = 0;
>                  }
>                  for (jj = 0; jj < ncX; jj++)
>                    for (ii = 0; ii < ncX; ii++)
>                      indegree[jj] = indegree[jj] +  X.coeff(ii,jj);
>                  /*   Rcout<<"indegree: ";for (ii=0;ii<ncX;ii++) Rcout
>             << indegree[ii]<<" " ; Rcout << std::endl;*/
>                  /*   Rcout<<"flag    : ";for (ii=0;ii<ncX;ii++) Rcout
>             << flag[ii]<<" " ; Rcout << std::endl;*/
>                  while (count < ncX){
>                    /* Rcout << "count=" << count << std::endl;*/
>                    for (kk = 0; kk < ncX; kk++){
>                      /* Rcout <<" kk="<<kk<<" indeg="<<indegree[kk]<<"
>             flag="<<flag[kk] << std::endl;*/
>                      if ((indegree[kk] == 0) && (flag[kk] == 0)){
>                      /*Rcout << "   no incomming:" << kk << std::endl;*/
>                      ans[ll++] = kk+1;
>                      flag[kk]  = 1;
>                      flagsum++;
>                      for (jj = 0; jj < ncX; jj++){
>                        /*  Rcout <<"kk,jj="<<kk<<","<<jj<<" entry=" <<
>             X.coeff(kk,jj) << std::endl;*/
>                        if (X.coeff(kk,jj) == 1){
>                          indegree[jj]--;
>                          /* Rcout <<" updating indegree at
>             entry="<<jj<<std::endl;*/
>                        }
>                      }
>                      }
>                      /* Rcout<<"indegree: ";for (ii=0;ii<ncX;ii++) Rcout
>             << indegree[ii]<<" " ; Rcout << std::endl;  */
>                    }
>                    if (flagsum==ncX)
>                      break;
>                    count++;
>                    /* Rcout<<"flag    : ";for (ii=0;ii<ncX;ii++) Rcout
>             << flag[ii]<<" " ; Rcout << std::endl;        */
>                  }
>                  if (flagsum<ncX)
>                    ans[0] = -1;
>                  return(wrap(ans));
>             }
>             // sparse matrix
>             RcppExport SEXP C_topoSort_sp ( SEXP XX_ ){
>                  //   typedef Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXi> MapMati;
>                  //   const MapMati X(Rcpp::as<MapMati>(XX_));
>                  typedef Eigen::MappedSparseMatrix<__double> MSpMat;
>                  const MSpMat   X(as<MSpMat>(XX_));
>                  int ii, jj, kk=0, count=0, ll=0, flagsum=0;
>                  int ncX(X.rows());
>                  Eigen::VectorXi indegree(ncX);
>                  Eigen::VectorXi flag(ncX);
>                  Eigen::VectorXi ans(ncX);
>                  for (ii = 0; ii < ncX; ii++) {
>                    indegree[ii] = 0; flag[ii] = 0; ans[ii] = 0;
>                  }
>                  for (jj = 0; jj < ncX; jj++)
>                    for (ii = 0; ii < ncX; ii++)
>                      indegree[jj] = indegree[jj] +  X.coeff(ii,jj);
>                  /*   Rcout<<"indegree: ";for (ii=0;ii<ncX;ii++) Rcout
>             << indegree[ii]<<" " ; Rcout << std::endl;*/
>                  /*   Rcout<<"flag    : ";for (ii=0;ii<ncX;ii++) Rcout
>             << flag[ii]<<" " ; Rcout << std::endl;*/
>                  while (count < ncX){
>                    /* Rcout << "count=" << count << std::endl;*/
>                    for (kk = 0; kk < ncX; kk++){
>                      /* Rcout <<" kk="<<kk<<" indeg="<<indegree[kk]<<"
>             flag="<<flag[kk] << std::endl;*/
>                      if ((indegree[kk] == 0) && (flag[kk] == 0)){
>                      /*Rcout << "   no incomming:" << kk << std::endl;*/
>                      ans[ll++] = kk+1;
>                      flag[kk]  = 1;
>                      flagsum++;
>                      for (jj = 0; jj < ncX; jj++){
>                        /*  Rcout <<"kk,jj="<<kk<<","<<jj<<" entry=" <<
>             X.coeff(kk,jj) << std::endl;*/
>                        if (X.coeff(kk,jj) == 1){
>                          indegree[jj]--;
>                          /* Rcout <<" updating indegree at
>             entry="<<jj<<std::endl;*/
>                        }
>                      }
>                      }
>                      /* Rcout<<"indegree: ";for (ii=0;ii<ncX;ii++) Rcout
>             << indegree[ii]<<" " ; Rcout << std::endl;  */
>                    }
>                    if (flagsum==ncX)
>                      break;
>                    count++;
>                    /* Rcout<<"flag    : ";for (ii=0;ii<ncX;ii++) Rcout
>             << flag[ii]<<" " ; Rcout << std::endl;        */
>                  }
>                  if (flagsum<ncX)
>                    ans[0] = -1;
>                  return(wrap(ans));
>             }

Romain Francois
Professional R Enthusiast
+33(0) 6 28 91 30 30

R Graph Gallery: http://gallery.r-enthusiasts.com

blog:            http://romainfrancois.blog.free.fr
|- http://bit.ly/14LJhmm : bibtex 0.3-5
`- http://bit.ly/RE6sYH  : OOP with Rcpp modules

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