[Rcpp-devel] Efficient DataFrame access by row & column

Ken Williams Ken.Williams at windlogics.com
Wed Feb 20 00:24:26 CET 2013

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dirk Eddelbuettel [mailto:edd at debian.org]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2013 5:02 PM
> To: Ken Williams
> Cc: rcpp-devel at lists.r-forge.r-project.org
> Subject: Re: [Rcpp-devel] Efficient DataFrame access by row & column
> Ken,
> On 19 February 2013 at 22:35, Ken Williams wrote:
> | I have a need to loop through all the entries of a DataFrame by row,
> | then column.  I know two different ways:
> There have been prior discussions of this topic, as well as example posts --
> even leading to a Rcpp Gallery article. Did you read any of these?  It wasn't
> clear from your post.

I looked, but I didn't find anything directly addressing it.  Most of what I found at http://search.gmane.org/?query=dataframe&group=gmane.comp.lang.r.rcpp seems to deal with creating DataFrame objects, not indexing into them.

In the Rcpp Gallery, I also see 2 articles on creating/modifying DataFrame objects, but nothing demonstrating any indexing differently than I wrote.

The other place I looked was inst/unitTests/cpp/DataFrame.cpp in the repository.

If I missed something relevant, I'd be happy to be pointed to it.

> | I?m also curious why it?s a syntax error in Case A to just write
> | `df[j][i]` or
> Eeeek.  I prefer the more C++-y way of writing df(j,i).

Attempting to do so, I get a compile-time error:

window.cpp:68:34: error: ambiguous overload for 'operator-' in 'Rcpp::Vector<RTYPE>::operator()(const size_t&, const size_t&) [with int RTYPE = 19, Rcpp::Vector<RTYPE>::Proxy = Rcpp::internal::generic_proxy<19>, size_t = long long unsigned int]((* &((size_t)j)), (* &((size_t)i))) - Rcpp::Vector<RTYPE>::operator()(const size_t&, const size_t&) [with int RTYPE = 19, Rcpp::Vector<RTYPE>::Proxy = Rcpp::internal::generic_proxy<19>, size_t = long long unsigned int]((* &((size_t)j)), (* &((size_t)last_i)))'
window.cpp:68:34: note: candidates are:
window.cpp:68:34: note: operator-(SEXP, SEXP) <built-in>
window.cpp:68:34: note: operator-(SEXP, long long int) <built-in>
window.cpp:68:34: note: operator-(int, int) <built-in>

For context, the line that's failing is:

     if(fabs(df(j,i)-df(j,last_i))>thresh) {

> Overall, your premise may be wrong too.  "We all know" that a data.frame is
> not the fastest data structure in R, so by forcing ourselves to the same access
> are we not handycapping ourselves.

I was operating under the premise that there "must be" a constant-time accessor for a List element (DataFrame column), and once I have that, a constant-time accessor for an element of that vector.  I know the latter is true, but is the former not true?  I assumed it was but that I just couldn't find it.



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