[Rcpp-devel] how to create an Rcpp::List in a standalone C++ application?

Florian Oswald florian.oswald at gmail.com
Wed Dec 18 17:32:36 CET 2013

Ok I'll have a look at this (sometime). I saw your sparse matrix example,
so I'll try to do something similar? I think blitz is very good for
high-dimensional objects, particularly for doing tensor arithmethic. I can
write expressions that are very close to the mathematical object. Of course
 RcppArmadillo is much easier to use, so it's not an easy choice. I set
this up with blitz for now, not sure I'll stick to it in future projects.

maybe anybody else on the list get in touch re blitz++?


On 18 December 2013 16:14, Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd at debian.org> wrote:

> Hi Florian,
> On 18 December 2013 at 15:53, Florian Oswald wrote:
> | Thanks Dirk and Romain,
> |
> | Let me follow up on this if you don't mind, there's probably a lot of
> ways to
> | improve what I'm doing. Dirk, you mentioned blitz++. What I'm doing at
> the
> | moment is a bit contrived and I'm wondering whether there may be a
> better way
> | of going back and forth from R to blitz. my program looks like this:
> Sure.
> If you want to add corresponding as<>() and wrap() methods, there are
> working
> examples (in several Rcpp* packages) as well as documentation in the
> vignette
> 'Rcpp-extensions', the corresponding chapter in my Rcpp book, a few posts
> on
> the Rcpp Gallery as well as other places.
> As I don't know of anybody else still using Blitz++ you may have to buckle
> and do it.  Or just RcppArmadillo.  Are there particular Blitz++ features
> you
> deem missing?
> Dirk
> --
> Dirk Eddelbuettel | edd at debian.org | http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com
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