[Rcpp-devel] Building RProtoBuf on Windows

Tobias Elbert tobias_elbert at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 1 09:45:10 CEST 2013

Hi John

In case you're still having problems with this, I got this to work following
your steps with the only difference being that I built from within Rstudio,
using R3.0.1 and MinGW 4.6.3 (from latest Rtools) on WinXP. I had a few
undefined references during linking, but that was due to my local setup, and
just had to explicitly link to libprotobuf which I just added to MakeVars
(in addition to  lwsock32). The package loaded just fine and I just went
through a few of the examples in the vignette ­ seems to work well thus far.

Hope this helps

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