[Rcpp-devel] Module with vector of a class with inheritance, how to avoid slicing
Robin Girard
robin.girard at mines-paristech.fr
Wed Apr 3 20:16:15 CEST 2013
oups wrong, suppress my last message.
----- Mail original -----
De: "Robin Girard" <robin.girard at mines-paristech.fr>
À: rcpp-devel at lists.r-forge.r-project.org
Envoyé: Mercredi 3 Avril 2013 20:07:14
Objet: Re: [Rcpp-devel] Module with vector of a class with inheritance, how to avoid slicing
additional remark : if operator SEXP() ; is added to class father, children1_t, and children2_t the solution with XPtr compiles but gives the same result as the solution with shared_ptr (i.e. slicing)
----- Mail original -----
De: "Robin Girard" <robin.girard at mines-paristech.fr>
À: rcpp-devel at lists.r-forge.r-project.org
Cc: "Robin GIRARD" <robin.girard at mines-paristech.fr>
Envoyé: Mercredi 3 Avril 2013 18:43:32
Objet: Module with vector of a class with inheritance, how to avoid slicing
I am still working on my vector of a class father with inheritance (polymorphic subclasses ?). I created an exemple below that works fine but I face the known problem of "slicing" as named here : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10154977/c-vector-with-inheritance and fail to implement the proposed solution.
I have 2 tried 2 things and ended up with 2 questions:
Question 1 - I tryed the solution proposed in the link with make_shared and shared_ptr. I had to add PKG_CXXFLAGS=-g -std=c++0x since my MinGW compiler did not find any -std=c++11. I got no compilation error but when I run the code it slices my children class :
> res=new("Rcpp_vector_Of_father")
> res$push_back(new("Rcpp_father"))
> res$push_back_children1_t(new("Rcpp_children1_t"))
> res$WhoAmI(1)
> res$WhoAmI(0)
> res[[1]]$WhoAmI()
> res[[0]]$WhoAmI()
Question 2 - I tryed a solution with XPtr (although I'm not sure how this works) and got the following error at the module compilation
example_mod_consumption.cpp: In member function 'void vector_Of_father::push_back_children1_t(children1_t)':
example_mod_consumption.cpp:80:53: error: no matching function for call to 'std::vector<Rcpp::XPtr<father> >::push_back(Rcpp::XPtr<children1_t>)'
below are the code for the two approach and at the end the code of the module.
-------------------- Solution with XPtr
#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace Rcpp;
class father ;
class children1_t;
class children2_t ;
class vector_Of_father;
class father
father(father const & x) {};
void WhoAmI() const{
class children1_t : public father
children1_t(children1_t const & x){};
void WhoAmI() const{
class children2_t : public father
children2_t(children2_t const & x){};
void WhoAmI() const{
class vector_Of_father {
std::vector<XPtr<father> > MyfatherList_;
//std::vector<shared_ptr<father> > MyfatherList_;
vector_Of_father() : MyfatherList_(){};
father vec_get( int i) { return(*(MyfatherList_.at(i))); };
void WhoAmI(int i) const
int size(){ return(MyfatherList_.size()); };
void push_back(father func){
void push_back_children1_t(children1_t func){
-------------------- Solution with make_shared and shared_ptr
only the class vector_of_father is different also #include <memory> is added after Rcpp.h include.
class vector_Of_father {
std::vector<shared_ptr<father> > MyfatherList_;
vector_Of_father() : MyfatherList_(){};
father vec_get( int i) { return(*(MyfatherList_.at(i))); };
void WhoAmI(int i) const
int size(){ return(MyfatherList_.size()); };
void push_back(father func){
void push_back_children1_t(children1_t func){
-------------- the module code
using namespace Rcpp;
class_<father>( "father" )
class_<children1_t>( "children1_t" )
.derives<father>("father" )
class_<children2_t>( "children2_t" )
.derives<father>("father" )
class_<vector_Of_father>( "vector_Of_father")
// .constructor<int>()
.method( "size", &vector_Of_father::size)
// .method("capacity", &cplfunctionvec::capacity,"Return size of allocated storage capacity. Returns the size of the storage space currently allocated for the vector, expressed in terms of elements.")
// .method( "max_size", &cplfunctionvec::max_size)
.method( "WhoAmI",&vector_Of_father::WhoAmI )
//.method( "test",&vector_Of_father::test )
.method( "push_back", &vector_Of_father::push_back )
// .const_method( "at", &cplfunctionvec::at )
// .method("[[<-",&vector_Of_father::vec_set)
Dr. Girard Robin
Chargé de Recherche
MINES-ParisTech / Département Energétique et Procédés / PERSEE / Groupe ERSEI
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