[Rcpp-devel] Rcpp can not return big DataFrame
Romain Francois
romain at r-enthusiasts.com
Tue Apr 2 16:45:08 CEST 2013
With the current svn revision (4300), this should be fixed.
Le 27/03/13 14:19, 该走了 a écrit :
> Dear Rcpp developer,
> I am tried return a big DataFrame from Rcpp to R, but met some problem!
> ### begin dataframetest.cpp
> #include <Rcpp.h>
> using namespace Rcpp;
> using namespace std;
> // [[Rcpp::export]]
> DataFrame dataframetest(NumericVector close){
> int nrow = close.size();
> vector<double> txn_qty = vector<double>(nrow);
> vector<double> txn_prc = vector<double>(nrow);
> vector<double> txn_fee = vector<double>(nrow);
> vector<double> pos_qty = vector<double>(nrow);
> vector<double> close_prc = as<vector<double> >(close);
> vector<double> PL = vector<double>(nrow);
> DataFrame PLrecord = DataFrame::create(Named("txn.qty", txn_qty),
> Named("txn.prc", txn_prc),
> Named("txn.fee", txn_fee),
> Named("pos.qty", pos_qty),
> Named("close.prc", close_prc),
> Named("PL", PL));
> return PLrecord;
> }
> #### end dataframetest.cpp
> ### R code
> n <- 4e5
> x.prc <- 1:n
> library(Rcpp)
> sourceCpp("./dataframetest.cpp")
> aa <- dataframetest(x.prc)
> ##### end R code
> When n is big, like 4e5, then it will exhaust the memory or crash;
> when n is small, like 4e3, it can return the correct DataFrame. I was
> wondering if Rcpp::DataFrame can handle so big DataFrame. In my opinion,
> n = 4e5 is not big, I can create such a long data.frame from R code
> easily, without any problem. Why Rcpp can not? Or I miss something?
> ### R code
> n <- 4e5
> x.prc <- rnorm(n)
> a <- data.frame(x = x.prc,
> y = x.prc,
> d = x.prc,
> e = x.prc,
> f = x.prc,
> k = x.prc)
> head(a)
> x y d e f k
> 1 -0.45145433 -0.45145433 -0.45145433 -0.45145433 -0.45145433 -0.45145433
> 2 -0.55851370 -0.55851370 -0.55851370 -0.55851370 -0.55851370 -0.55851370
> 3 0.18209145 0.18209145 0.18209145 0.18209145 0.18209145 0.18209145
> 4 -0.56092768 -0.56092768 -0.56092768 -0.56092768 -0.56092768 -0.56092768
> 5 0.25689622 0.25689622 0.25689622 0.25689622 0.25689622 0.25689622
> 6 -0.04558792 -0.04558792 -0.04558792 -0.04558792 -0.04558792 -0.04558792
> #### sessionInfo
> sessionInfo()
> R version 2.15.3 (2013-03-01)
> Platform: x86_64-suse-linux-gnu (64-bit)
> locale:
> attached base packages:
> [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
> other attached packages:
> [1] Rcpp_0.10.3 data.table_1.8.8
> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
> [1] compiler_2.15.3 tools_2.15.3
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Romain Francois
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