[Rcpp-devel] Struggling with Rcpp sugar

Romain Francois romain at r-enthusiasts.com
Sun Nov 18 17:05:09 CET 2012

Le 18/11/12 16:12, Hadley Wickham a écrit :
>>> microbenchmark(
>>>     pdist1(0.5, ys),
>>>     pdist2(0.5, ys),
>>>     pdist3(0.5, ys)
>>> )
>>> # 10-fold slower??  Maybe it's because I'm using a double instead of
>>> # a numeric vector?
>> That's weird. Not sure where the ineffiency is. Some hunting.
>> My guess is that sugar pow needs a refresh.
> Ok, thanks.

I've been looking. I don't know what we do wrong. Expression templates 
are a complicated beast.

>>> cppFunction('
>>>     NumericVector pdist4(NumericVector x, NumericVector ys) {
>>>       return pow((x - ys), 2);
>>>     }
>>> ')
>>> all.equal(pdist1(0.5, ys), pdist4(0.5, ys))
>>> # Is this a bug in sugar? Should recycle to length of longest vector.
>>> # Let's try flipping the order of operations:
>> There's no recycling. We pick the size of "x" and consider that y is of the
>> same length. Something worth mentionning in documentation. Recycling would
>> add some expense.
> I think that should be called in large bold print somewhere!  If you
> don't do it automatically - could it at least be an error when the
> sizes don't match? That doesn't seem like it should be an expensive
> operation.

I'll look into it.

>> I would prefer to keep it that way and document it that vector should have
>> the same size, ... rather than introduce the extra cost of recyling.
> I might also be nice to have some capabilities for explicit recycling.
>   I don't know if it would be possible to get it to work, but it would
> be nice to have some sort of declarative syntax like:
> recycle(x, y, z);
> Hadley

In a way, we can already use sugar rep_len.

rep_len( x, 30 )

will recycle x into a vector of length 30, lazily.

Romain Francois
Professional R Enthusiast
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