[Rcpp-devel] Rcpp 0.10.0

Richard Downe richard-downe at uiowa.edu
Thu Nov 15 00:14:51 CET 2012

Thanks.  I had recently been playing with using XPtr to do some of the 
passing RcppModule objects back into c++, with only limited success, so 
this will be a welcome change.

Also, I can probably finally cull my hackery of calling 
Rcpp::internal::make_new_object in my factory methods, which always made 
me a little uneasy by virtue of being in the internal namespace...

On 11/14/2012 04:16 PM, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
> On 14 November 2012 at 13:46, Ian Fellows wrote:
> |
> | So,… um… Wow!
> |
> | This is some pretty incredible work, and lines up almost to the letter with the real world issues that I was experiencing with my package. Reading over the vignette, a couple of questions popped into my head.
> Thanks :)  We're very happy that you like it.
> | With the //Rcpp::interfaces(cpp) declaration
> | 1. Are classes also exported as transparently as functions.
> | 2. If my package already has a namespace named ernm, is an extra one wrapped around it, so that extending packages would have to use ernm::ernm::bar()?
> | 3. Just to be clear… this removes the need to make an inline plug-in because you can just use cppFunction(depends="MyPacakge",…) with no additional glue except for the interface statement.
> If you would have needed a plugin with inline (for one or more of finding
> your headers files, set certain flags, determine the linking library and
> path, ...) then you still do.  The existing plugins for RcppGSL,
> RcppArmadillo and RcppEigen served as testing templates.  So you may need to
> write a 'ernm' plugin...
> Similarly, you may need to supply as<>() and wrap() converters.
> | I do a lot of passing of objects up and down between R and C++ using home grown code to make the process transparent. Can you speak a little about how the new module object passing is implemented? Are copy constructors called? Is shallow or deep the default? How does one use the new macros?
>  From 30,000 feet, it "just" sits on top of Rcpp modules which you may have
> looked at in the past --- and these provide essentially mostly pass-through
> declarations.
> JJ will follow-up in a bit with more nitty-gritty.
> Cheers, Dirk

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