[Rcpp-devel] Sample function(s) for inclusion in RcppArmadillo

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Wed Nov 14 14:14:51 CET 2012


On 14 November 2012 at 06:05, Christian Gunning wrote:
| Dear all,
| The attached file is for inclusion in RcppArmadillo/src.  It's a templated
| implementation of R's sample that relies on a few Armadillo functions.  It
| should produce results identical to R, except when R uses Walker's alias method
| (with replacement, more than 200 nonzero probabilities given). 
| This is intended to be used solely in C++ code, and is not exported.

Thank you, got both emails!  Will take a closer look -- we were busy with
releasing Rcpp 0.10.0 which will rock :)

Would this make sense "upstream" in Armadillo? Or do you want the R RNG for
reproducibility? Also, you may need to add RNGScope() if you use R's RNG.


| best,
| Christian
| University of New Mexico
| --
| A man, a plan, a cat, a ham, a yak, a yam, a hat, a canal – Panama!
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| // -*- mode: C++; c-indent-level: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8 -*-
| //
| // sample.cpp: Rcpp/Armadillo equivalent to R's sample().  
| // This is to be used in C++ functions, and should *not* be called from R.
| // It should yield identical results to R in most cases
| // (note that Walker's alias method is not implemented).
| //
| // Copyright (C)  2012 Christian Gunning
| //
| // This file is part of RcppArmadillo.
| //
| // RcppArmadillo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
| // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
| // the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
| // (at your option) any later version.
| //
| // RcppArmadillo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
| // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
| // GNU General Public License for more details.
| //
| // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
| // along with RcppArmadillo.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
| #include <RcppArmadillo.h>
| using namespace Rcpp;
| //Declarations
| void SampleReplace( IntegerVector &index, int nOrig, int size);
| void SampleNoReplace( IntegerVector &index, int nOrig, int size);
| void ProbSampleReplace(IntegerVector &index, int nOrig, int size, arma::vec &prob);
| void ProbSampleNoReplace(IntegerVector &index, int nOrig, int size, arma::vec &prob);
| void FixProb(NumericVector &prob, int size, bool replace);
| template <class T> 
| T sample(const T &x, const int size, const bool replace, NumericVector prob_ = NumericVector(0) ) {
|     // Templated sample -- should work on any Rcpp Vector
|     int ii, jj;
|     int nOrig = x.size();
|     int probsize = prob_.size();
|     // Create return object
|     T ret(size);
| 	if ( size > nOrig && !replace) throw std::range_error( "Tried to sample more elements than in x without replacement" ) ;
|     // Store the sample ids here, modify in-place
|     IntegerVector index(size);
|     if (probsize == 0) { // No probabilities given
|         if (replace) {
|             SampleReplace(index, nOrig, size);
|         } else {
|             SampleNoReplace(index, nOrig, size);
|         }
|     } else { 
|         if (probsize != nOrig) throw std::range_error( "Number of probabilities must equal input vector length" ) ;
|         // normalize, error-check probability vector
|         // Will be modified in-place
|         FixProb(prob_, size, replace);
|         // 
|         // Copy the given probabilities into an arma vector
|         arma::vec prob(prob_.begin(), prob_.size());
|         if (replace) {
|             // check for walker alias conditions here??
|             ProbSampleReplace(index, nOrig, size, prob);
|         } else {
|             ProbSampleNoReplace(index, nOrig, size, prob);
|         }
|     }
|     // copy the results into the return vector
|     for (ii=0; ii<size; ii++) {
|         jj = index[ii];
|         ret[ii] = x[jj];
|     }
|     return(ret);
| }
| void SampleReplace( IntegerVector &index, int nOrig, int size) {
|     int ii;
|     for (ii = 0; ii < size; ii++) {
|         index[ii] = nOrig * unif_rand();
|     }
| }
| void SampleNoReplace( IntegerVector &index, int nOrig, int size) {
|     int ii, jj;
|     IntegerVector sub(nOrig);
|     for (ii = 0; ii < nOrig; ii++) {
|         sub[ii] = ii;
|     }
|     for (ii = 0; ii < size; ii++) {
|         jj = nOrig * unif_rand();
|         index[ii] = sub[jj];
|         // replace sampled element with last, decrement
|         sub[jj] = sub[--nOrig];
|     }
| }
| void FixProb(NumericVector &prob, const int size, const bool replace) {
|     // prob is modified in-place.  
|     // Is this better than cloning it?
|     double sum = 0.0;
|     int ii, nPos = 0;
|     int nn = prob.size();
|     for (ii = 0; ii < nn; ii++) {
|         if (!R_FINITE(prob[ii])) //does this work??
|             throw std::range_error( "NAs not allowed in probability" ) ;
|         if (prob[ii] < 0)
|             throw std::range_error( "Negative probabilities not allowed" ) ;
|         if (prob[ii] > 0) {
|             nPos++;
|             sum += prob[ii];
|         }
|     }
|     if (nPos == 0 || (!replace && size > nPos)) {
|         throw std::range_error("Not enough positive probabilities");
|     }
|     prob = prob / sum;  //sugar
| }
| // Unequal probability sampling with replacement 
| void ProbSampleReplace(IntegerVector &index, int nOrig, int size, arma::vec &prob){
|     double rU;
|     int ii, jj;
|     int size_1 = size - 1;
|     arma::uvec perm = arma::sort_index(prob, 1); //descending sort of index
|     prob = arma::sort(prob, 1);  // descending sort of prob
|     // cumulative probabilities 
|     prob = arma::cumsum(prob);
|     // compute the sample 
|     for (ii = 0; ii < size; ii++) {
|         rU = unif_rand();
|         for (jj = 0; jj < size_1; jj++) {
|             if (rU <= prob[jj])
|                 break;
|         }
|         index[ii] = perm[jj];
|     }
| }
| // Unequal probability sampling without replacement 
| void ProbSampleNoReplace(IntegerVector &index, int nOrig, int size, arma::vec &prob){
|     int ii, jj, kk;
|     int size_1 = size - 1;
|     double rT, mass, totalmass = 1.0;
|     arma::uvec perm = arma::sort_index(prob, 1); //descending sort of index
|     prob = arma::sort(prob, 1);  // descending sort of prob
|     // compute the sample 
|     for (ii = 0; ii < size; ii++, size_1--) {
|         rT = totalmass * unif_rand();
|         mass = 0;
|         for (jj = 0; jj < size_1; jj++) {
|             mass += prob[jj];
|             if (rT <= mass)
|                 break;
|         }
|         index[ii] = perm[jj];
|         totalmass -= prob[jj];
|         for ( kk = jj; kk < size_1; kk++) {
|             prob[kk] = prob[kk+1];
|             perm[kk] = perm[kk+1];
|         }
|     }
| }
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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Dirk Eddelbuettel | edd at debian.org | http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com  

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