[Rcpp-devel] Can I use inline-Rcpp in the package?

Seungki Kim devcat3 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 28 20:51:47 CEST 2012


How can I compile inline-Rcpp in the package?

I have made a package with Rcpp.package.skeleton("abcd"), and added a
".R" including inline-Rcpp.
And it can be packaged and installed well with R CMD build, check and INSTALL.
I loaded it with library(abcd) command, and called the function
defined by cxxfunction() but it is not working. The error is "NULL
value passed as symbol address"
I think a runtime is needed for compiling inline-Rcpp, but library()
command is not a runtime.
I have tried that it is compiled in the function call. But it is not
good because it is compiled every time the function is called.

Do I need to make it .cpp in the directory-src? Can I use inline-Rcpp
in the package?

- Khaan

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