[Rcpp-devel] RInside under Windows

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Tue Feb 14 22:52:03 CET 2012

On 14 February 2012 at 21:05, Patrick Burns wrote:
| On 14/02/2012 20:59, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
| >
| > (resending with CC to list which I omitted a minute ago --Dirk)
| >
| > On 14 February 2012 at 20:47, Patrick Burns wrote:
| > |
| > |
| > | On 14/02/2012 20:14, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
| > |>
| > |>  On 14 February 2012 at 20:04, Patrick Burns wrote:
| > |>  | Obviously I don't *really* know what I'm
| > |>  | doing, or even *sort of* know what I'm
| > |>  | doing.  But that never stopped me before.
| > |>  |
| > |>  | Here is hopefully enough breadcrumbs to
| > |>  | help someone, or even all of us.
| > |>  |
| > |>  |
| > |>  | I've reinstalled RInside so that I am
| > |>  | starting with the original Makefile.win
| > |>  |
| > |>  | *)  There is an extraneous "n" on the first
| > |>  | line (first character) of Makefile.win -- 'make'
| > |>  | doesn't like that.
| > |>
| > |>  I don't know for sure what your are talking about. A common fix would be to
| > |>  send a diff.  Could you do that?
| > |
| > | This is Windows, remember -- perhaps there is a
| >
| > This is R, remember, and these tools come with Rtools by Duncan Murdoch.
| >
| > | way of doing a diff, I don't know it.  But the
| > | start of Makefile.win that I see out of the box is:
| > |
| > | n## -*- mode: makefile; tab-width: 8; -*-
| > | ##
| > | ## Simple Makefile for Windows
| > |
| > | Note the bizarre first character.
| >
| > Got it. Was still present here. Sorry about that, and thanks for catching it.
| >
| > Next release will fix, now corrected in SVN.
| >
| > |>  | *)  I need to comment out the command setting
| > |>  | R_HOME and set it in DOS instead.
| > |>
| > |>  Works for me in the Makefile.win
| > |>
| > |>  | *)  The next problem is two instances each of:
| > |>  |
| > |>  | there is no package called [Rcpp, RInside]
| > |>  |
| > |>  | This is because .libPaths() is only finding
| > |>  | the main library and not the one where the
| > |>  | installed packages go.
| > |>  |
| > |>  | This is diagnosed by adding a line to Makefile.win:
| > |>  |
| > |>  | Rlibpaths := 		$(shell echo '.libPaths()' | $(R_HOME)/bin/R $(R_ARCH)
| > |>  | --vanilla --slave)
| > |>
| > |>  I would recommend using ~/.Rprofile which strikes me as easier.
| > |>
| > |>  | Adding a line to the checkR task:
| > |>  |
| > |>  | echo $(Rlibpaths)
| > |>  |
| > |>  | And then doing:
| > |>  |
| > |>  | make checkR -f Makefile.win
| > |>  |
| > |>  | This is the same in 32-bit and 64-bit.
| > |>  |
| > |>  | This problem can be remedied by setting the
| > |>  | R_LIBS_USER environment variable.  You can
| > |>  | see what that is with the R command:
| > |>  |
| > |>  | Sys.getenv('R_LIBS_USER')
| > |>  |
| > |>  |
| > |>  | *) Now there is some progress, but not much.
| > |>  |
| > |>  | It compiles:
| > |>  | rinside_callbacks0
| > |>  | rinside_module_sample0
| > |>  | rinside_sample0
| > |>
| > |>  Can you run rinside_sample0.exe ?
| >
| > Does that run?
| There is the missing R.dll problem.

That is "just" a PATH problem.  For now, copy this dll (and there will be
four or five more from R, and then possibly from Rcpp and RInside) into a
working (temp) directory and try.

Seeing "hello, world" is a good proof. The rest is setup issues, which on
Windows often descend into man-to-machine combat.

| >
| > |>  | And gets an error on rinside_sample1:
| > |>  |
| > |>  | reopening rinside_sample1.exe: Permission denied
| > |>
| > |>  Huh?
| > |
| > | Agreed.  That is the only indication of it
| > | being upset.
| > |
| > | But I renamed that file to try to make it do it last.
| > | Running it again there was no error -- everything
| > | compiled.
| > |
| > | Compiled for 32-bit.
| > |
| > | There is not an x64 subdirectory to 'lib' (as there is
| > | with 'libs') so nothing compiles.
| >
| > Are you talking about RInside or Rcpp?  Did you install from source or via
| > the prebuilt CRAN binary?
| >
| > Everything from CRAN should now be multiarch, 32 and 64 bit.
| Prebuilt from CRAN.  Rcpp is fine,
| RInside/lib/x64 went AWOL.
| Pat
| >
| > Dirk
| >
| > |>  | However the three that did compile don't run.  They
| > |>  | all have the error message:
| > |>  |
| > |>  | The program can't start because R.dll is missing from
| > |>  | your computer.  Try reinstalling the program to fix
| > |>  | this problem.
| > |>
| > |>  Could that be a Win7 security setting or something like it?
| > |
| > | That's an interesting idea.  Anyone have
| > | ideas about testing it?
| > |
| > | Pat
| > |
| > |>
| > |>  | This is using Rtools2.14 and R 2.14.1 with
| > |>  | RInside_0.2.6 Rcpp_0.9.9
| > |>
| > |>  I think I used the same combination with success.
| > |>
| > |>  Dirk
| > |>
| > |>
| > |>  | Pat
| > |>  |
| > |>  | On 14/02/2012 17:53, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
| > |>  |>
| > |>  |>   Hi Pat,
| > |>  |>
| > |>  |>   On 14 February 2012 at 17:43, Patrick Burns wrote:
| > |>  |>   | Good point about the Rtools version.  I started
| > |>  |>   | with 2.13, but I get the same thing with 2.14.
| > |>  |>   |
| > |>  |>   | Here are the key changes that I made to Makefile.win:
| > |>  |>   |
| > |>  |>   | RCPPINCL := -IC:/Users/pat/Documents/R/win-library/2.14/Rcpp/include
| > |>  |>   | RCPPLIBS :=
| > |>  |>   | C:/Users/pat/Documents/R/win-library/2.14/Rcpp/libs/i386/Rcpp.dll
| > |>  |>   |
| > |>  |>   | RINSIDEINCL := -IC:/Users/pat/Documents/R/win-library/2.14/RInside/include
| > |>  |>   | RINSIDELIBS :=
| > |>  |>   | C:/Users/pat/Documents/R/win-library/2.14/RInside/libs/i386/libRInside.dll
| > |>  |>
| > |>  |>   That's not quite right, is it?  What do (quoting from examples/standard/Makefile.win)
| > |>  |>   these do:
| > |>  |>
| > |>  |>   ## include headers and libraries for RInside embedding classes
| > |>  |>   RINSIDEINCL := 		$(shell echo 'RInside:::CxxFlags()' | $(R_HOME)/bin/R $(R_ARCH) --vanilla --slave)
| > |>  |>   RINSIDELIBS := 		$(shell echo 'RInside:::LdFlags()'  | $(R_HOME)/bin/R $(R_ARCH) --vanilla --slave)
| > |>  |>
| > |>  |>   | I then do:
| > |>  |>   |
| > |>  |>   | make -f Makefile.win
| > |>  |>   |
| > |>  |>   | I seem to have failed in my attempt to
| > |>  |>   | tell it where R lives -- I get a cygwin
| > |>  |>   | warning about MS-DOS style path, but I
| > |>  |>   | don't think that is really a problem.
| > |>  |>
| > |>  |>   R_HOME must be defined. You can get it from R, or hardcode it.
| > |>  |>
| > |>  |>   The single best start is to try
| > |>  |>
| > |>  |>        cd examples/standard
| > |>  |>        make -f Makefile.win
| > |>  |>
| > |>  |>   which should create 10+ executable. And you can borrow freely from that
| > |>  |>   Makefile.win which should work.
| > |>  |>
| > |>  |>   Lastly, the Cygwin thing is line noise which you can suppress by setting an
| > |>  |>   env var appropriately. This comes from the newer Rtools.
| > |>  |>
| > |>  |>   | It then attempts the g++ command, gives
| > |>  |>   | the multiple definition statements, and:
| > |>  |>
| > |>  |>   Linking is still wrong then.
| > |>  |>
| > |>  |>   Dirk
| > |>  |>
| > |>  |>
| > |>  |
| > |>  | --
| > |>  | Patrick Burns
| > |>  | patrick at burns-stat.com
| > |>  | http://www.burns-stat.com
| > |>  | http://www.portfolioprobe.com/blog
| > |>  | twitter: @portfolioprobe
| > |>
| > |
| > | --
| > | Patrick Burns
| > | patrick at burns-stat.com
| > | http://www.burns-stat.com
| > | http://www.portfolioprobe.com/blog
| > | twitter: @portfolioprobe
| >
| -- 
| Patrick Burns
| patrick at burns-stat.com
| http://www.burns-stat.com
| http://www.portfolioprobe.com/blog
| twitter: @portfolioprobe

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