[Rcpp-devel] Rcpp::List lost attributes after updating elements
Jiqiang Guo
guojq28 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 9 20:07:45 CET 2012
For a Rcpp::List object, the attributes got lost say if I add another
element to the list. I am not sure this is supposed to be, but it's not in
R. The following is some code to demonstrate that.
> library(Rcpp)
> src <- '
+ #include <Rcpp.h>
+ // [[Rcpp::export]]
+ SEXP crtlist() {
+ Rcpp::List lst;
+ lst["e1"] = 10;
+ lst.attr("att1") = 1;
+ return lst;
+ }
+ '
> sourceCpp(code = src)
> crtlist();
[1] 10
[1] 1
> src2 <- '
+ #include <Rcpp.h>
+ // [[Rcpp::export]]
+ SEXP crtlist2() {
+ Rcpp::List lst;
+ lst["e1"] = 10;
+ lst.attr("att1") = 1;
+ lst["e2"] = 20;
+ return lst;
+ }
+ '
> sourceCpp(code = src2)
> crtlist2();
[1] 10
[1] 20
Note in the above, the printout for the second does not print any attribute
as for the first function.
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