[Rcpp-devel] Sparse matrices with RcppArmadillo
Romain Francois
romain at r-enthusiasts.com
Sat Dec 8 20:55:52 CET 2012
Le 08/12/12 19:54, Douglas Bates a écrit :
> On Sat, Dec 8, 2012 at 10:35 AM, c s <conradsand.arma at gmail.com
> <mailto:conradsand.arma at gmail.com>> wrote:
> Armadillo sparse matrices are stored in Compressed Sparse Column format:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sparse_matrix#Compressed_sparse_column_.28CSC_or_CCS.29
> This layout is used by a majority of external solvers.
> It would be far more efficient to take this layout into account when
> copying matrices, instead of blindly (and slowly) copying element by
> element.
> dgCMatrix objects also use compressed sparse column format with
> zero-based indices so it is likely that it would only be necessary to
> copy the contents of the arrays of column pointers (the "p" slot), row
> indices (the "i" slot) and values of the non-zeros (the "x" slot). It
> may even be possible to just map the pointers for a read-only sparse matrix.
> Romain:
> In general it is very slow to insert non-zero elements into this
> format. In the worst case the entire structure must be copied and
> extended for each insertion. We have to keep telling people about this
> when they tell us that sparse matrices in R are so slow to work with.
> You have seen what the layout of a dgCMatrix is so it is only
> necessary to find the desired components of a arma::sp_mat object. I'll
> take a look once I get some things installed. If it is desirable the as
> and wrap methods for the Eigen::SparseMatrix<T> and
> Eigen::MappedSparseMatrix<T> classes should be fairly easy to adapt for
> arma::sp_mat class.
Yes. Conrad left a back door open so that we can add things **inside**
the SpMat template, similar to what we have done in dense matrix classes.
Going from there I was looking at the copy constructor of a SpMat, which
eventually is a call to init:
* Copy from another matrix.
template<typename eT>
SpMat<eT>::init(const SpMat<eT>& x)
// Ensure we are not initializing to ourselves.
if (this != &x)
init(x.n_rows, x.n_cols);
// values and row_indices may not be null.
if (values != NULL)
access::rw(values) = memory::acquire_chunked<eT>
(x.n_nonzero + 1);
access::rw(row_indices) =
memory::acquire_chunked<uword>(x.n_nonzero + 1);
// Now copy over the elements.
arrayops::copy(access::rwp(values), x.values, x.n_nonzero
+ 1);
arrayops::copy(access::rwp(row_indices), x.row_indices, x.n_nonzero
+ 1);
arrayops::copy(access::rwp(col_ptrs), x.col_ptrs, x.n_cols + 1);
access::rw(n_nonzero) = x.n_nonzero;
So it all looks very doable.
> On Sunday, December 9, 2012, Romain Francois
> <romain at r-enthusiasts.com <mailto:romain at r-enthusiasts.com>> wrote:
> > Le 08/12/12 09:45, Søren Højsgaard a écrit :
> >>
> >> Dear all,
> >>
> >> I want to use a matrix (of type "dgCMatrix" from the Matrix
> package) in RcppArmadillo, so I do:
> >>
> >> library(inline)
> >> src <- '
> >> using namespace arma;
> >> using namespace Rcpp;
> >> SpMat<double> X = as<SpMat<double> >(XX_);
> >> '
> >> foo <- cxxfunction(signature(XX_=""), body=src,
> plugin="RcppArmadillo")
> >>
> >> - but this fails. It seems to me (browsing the web) that SpMat
> are supported, but I might be wrong here. I have no indication that
> dgCMatrix matrices can be "converted" to SpMat's. I know that I can
> work with dgCMatrix matrices with RcppEigen, but what I need is to
> extract submatrices and that is very easy to do with RcppArmadillo.
> >>
> >> Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.
> >> Regards
> >> Søren
> >
> > Doug might know better about the internals of Matrix types. This
> is just following the recipee from how these are handled in RcppEigen:
> >
> > #include <RcppArmadillo.h>
> > // [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]]
> > using namespace Rcpp ;
> >
> > // [[Rcpp::export]]
> > void convert(S4 mat){
> > IntegerVector dims = mat.slot( "Dim" ) ;
> > IntegerVector i = mat.slot( "i" ) ;
> > IntegerVector p = mat.slot( "p" ) ;
> > NumericVector x = mat.slot( "x" ) ;
> >
> > int nrow = dims[0], ncol = dims[1] ;
> > arma::sp_mat res( nrow, ncol) ;
> > for(int j = 0; j < ncol; ++j) {
> > for (int k = p[j]; k < p[j + 1]; ++k) res( i[k], j ) = x[k];
> > }
> > std::cout << res << std::endl ;
> >
> > }
> >
> >
> > /*** R
> > require(Matrix)
> > i <- c(1,3:8); j <- c(2,9,6:10); x <- 7 * (1:7)
> > ( A <- sparseMatrix(i, j, x = x) )
> >
> > convert(A)
> > ***/
> >
> > I don't think there is a better way to fill multiple values ina
> SpMat, maybe Conrad has insights.
> >
> > Romain
Romain Francois
Professional R Enthusiast
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