[Rcpp-devel] C++ code for ordinary differential equations

Christian Gunning xian at unm.edu
Thu Oct 6 07:23:47 CEST 2011

> Tst tst tst: You're loosing your Debian/Ubuntu instincts:
> edd at max:~$ wajig search sundials
> libsundials-cvode1 - ordinary differentialequation solver (SUNDIALS library)
> edd at max:~$
> Bingo, another Rcpp project in the making :)

Now wait just a sec -- with the powers of apt-cache search, I wandered
over here, which looks an *awful* lot like what you're asking for:

Off-topic p.s. -- This deserves a token nomination to fortune(), in
memorium of Stallman's visit to useR 2010:

"As I understand it, the Free Software Foundation switched the license
on gcc to GPL 3 or later for the 4.2.2 version of gcc and Apple
decided not to adopt it.  (One imagines that discussions between
Richard Stallman and Steve Jobs, if there were any, would have been
interesting to observe.)  I'm not sure what the best way out is and,
fortunately, I'm not working on a Mac."


A man, a plan, a cat, a ham, a yak, a yam, a hat, a canal – Panama!

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