[Rcpp-devel] Exposing constructors with same number of arguments with different types using Rcpp Modules
Dirk Eddelbuettel
edd at debian.org
Fri May 13 18:58:22 CEST 2011
Hi Jelmer,
On 13 May 2011 at 16:35, Jelmer Ypma wrote:
| Dear Rcpp-list,
| I'm trying to expose multiple constructors of a C++ class to R using
| modules. Here is an example of what I want to do based on the Uniform
| example
| ===Begin: example
| library('inline')
| library('Rcpp')
| test_code <-'
| using namespace Rcpp;
| class Uniform {
| public:
| Uniform(double min_, double max_) : min(min_), max(max_) {}
| Uniform(double max_, std::string dummy_) : min(0.0), max(max_)
| { Rprintf("%s\\n", dummy_.c_str()); }
| Uniform(double max_ ) : min(0.0), max(max_) {}
| NumericVector draw(int n) const {
| RNGScope scope;
| return runif( n, min, max );
| }
| double min, max;
| };
| double range( Uniform* w) {
| return w->max - w->min;
| }
| RCPP_MODULE(unif_module) {
| class_<Uniform>( "Uniform" )
| .constructor<double,double>()
| .constructor<double,std::string>()
| .constructor<double>()
| .field( "min", &Uniform::min )
| .field( "max", &Uniform::max )
| .method( "draw", &Uniform::draw )
| .method( "range", &range )
| ;
| }
| '
| fx <- cxxfunction( signature(), "" , include = test_code, plugin = "Rcpp" )
| unif_module <- Module( "unif_module", getDynLib(fx) )
| show( Uniform )
| u1 <- new( Uniform, 0, 10 )
| u1$min
| u1$max
| u1$range()
| u1$draw( 10L )
| u2 <- new( Uniform, 10, "test" )
| u2$min
| u2$max
| u2$range()
| u2$draw( 10L )
| u3 <- new( Uniform, 10 )
| u3$min
| u3$max
| u3$range()
| u3$draw( 10L )
| ===End: example
| Compilation works fine (on Windows using RTools, Rcpp_0.9.4.1,
| inline_0.3.8), but the R code cannot distinguish between two
| constructors with the same number of arguments, but with different
| types for the arguments and always calls Uniform(double, double). The
If I recall correctly, we have determined that this cannot work. It is one of
these 'obvious in hindsight' issue. Recall that R does the dispatch, and R
cannot differentiate between foo(double) and foo(int) as it is not typed.
So I think you will have to differentiate the constructors by name. Sorry
about that, but even Rcpp modules has its limits.
And I may of course be wrong too in which case Romain may come in and
Hope this helps, Dirk
| output I get is as follows:
| > unif_module <- Module( "unif_module", getDynLib(fx) )
| > show( Uniform )
| C++ class 'Uniform' <02748CF0>
| Constructors:
| Uniform(double, double)
| Uniform(double, std::string)
| Uniform(double)
| Fields:
| double max
| double min
| Methods:
| Rcpp::NumericVector draw(int) const
| double range()
| > u1 <- new( Uniform, 0, 10 )
| > u1$min
| [1] 0
| > u1$max
| [1] 10
| > u1$range()
| [1] 10
| > u1$draw( 10L )
| [1] 6.330045 4.637002 6.507183 4.192280 9.560602 3.927548 4.399107
| 2.332956 8.810553 3.864929
| > u2 <- new( Uniform, 10, "test" )
| Error in new_CppObject_xp(fields$.module, fields$.pointer, ...) :
| not compatible with REALSXP
| Does anyone know of a workaround for this?
| Many thanks in advance!
| Jelmer
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