[Rcpp-devel] R Embedded in a class function

CESAR PERNALETE pernaletec at pdvsa.com
Fri Mar 18 15:49:35 CET 2011

Hi Davor. 

Thanks for your response. Yes, the problem is the creation of  an embedded 
R instance inside a method. 
Attached there is a simplified example of the way i tried. 

As a context, i'm using NOMAD 
(http://www.gerad.ca/nomad/Project/Home.html), an optimization tool where 
the constraints are functions created in R. These constraints must be 
created in the method called eval_x. 

Please help. 

Davor Cubranic <cubranic at stat.ubc.ca> 
17/03/2011 05:03 p.m.

CESAR PERNALETE <pernaletec at pdvsa.com>
rcpp-devel at r-forge.wu-wien.ac.at
Re: [Rcpp-devel] R Embedded in a class function

If you have some specific code, that would help. If you by "class 
function" you mean to ask "is it possible to create an embedded R instance 
inside a method?", then the answer is "yes". But there are several things 
you may be doing incorrectly, and seeing your code would mean we can 
address the one that is the problem.


On 2011-03-17, at 2:11 PM, CESAR PERNALETE wrote:

> I need to embed an R function in a class function. I have seen in all of 
the examples that the embed of R always is made in the main function. It 
possible to do it in a class function? 
> How would be? 
> I tried to do it, and first argc, argv variables were expected. Then i 
assigned values to this variables in this way: 
> const char *agv = "./main";  //No parameters are needed by the main 
> int agc = 1; 
> RInside R(agc,&agv);  // create an embedded R instance 
> In this case no error were found at compiling, but the embed didn't 
> If some of you have some idea i would appreciate your help. 

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