[Rcpp-devel] Error: unimplemented type 'double' in 'coerceToReal'
Dirk Eddelbuettel
edd at debian.org
Mon Jun 27 16:49:30 CEST 2011
Hi Clarence,
Thanks for posting here on the list.
On 25 June 2011 at 15:36, Lee, Clarence wrote:
| I'm running a MCMC estimation of a Bayesian model, and I'm running into a
| particular error during the MCMC in my likelihood function call. I?ve
| implemented my likelihood function in C++ using RCpp, and I get this
| ?unimplemented type? error:
| Error in loglik.func(): unimplemented type ?double? in ?coerceToReal.?
That didn't ring a bell as a identifier of ours, and indeed, it isn't used by
~/svn/rcpp/pkg$ grep -rin coerceToReal .
So sorry, we will have to pass.
| The nasty thing about this is that it is very hard to replicate, and only
| occurs after a particular iteration in my MCMC. While my function stalls when
| this errors occurs, all the other times it returns the correct values. My
| specific question is: are there any particular functions in the Rcpp library
| that calls coerceToReal?? I?m trying to understand what would cause Rcpp to
I do not believe so.
| throw an error like this (eg. memory leaks, mismatching of types?etc). A
| Google search returns very few relevant results on this type of error.
| I think I?ve isolated the problem area in my code to this function:
| //////////////////////////////////////////
| Rcpp::NumericVector pbivpois(arma::colvec x, arma::colvec y, arma::rowvec
| lambda, bool returnLog) {
| // Unlike the pbivpois function, this assumes that x is a vector, and does
| not error check.
| // Declare Internal Variables
| int N = x.n_rows;
| Rcpp::NumericVector logbp(N);
| Rcpp::NumericVector result(N);
| int x0 = 0;
| int y0 = 0;
| int xymin = 0;
| Rcpp::NumericVector i(2);
| arma::rowvec sums = arma::zeros<arma::rowvec>(3);
| double lambdaratio = 0;
| double maxsums = 0;
| double logsummation =0;
| for(int k = 0; k < N; k++) {
| x0 = x.row(k);
| y0 = y.row(k);
| //////////////////////////////////////////////////
| // I think these lines are causing the problem.
| xymin = std::min(x0, y0);
| lambdaratio = lambda.col(2)/(lambda.col(0)*lambda.col(1));
| i = Rcpp::seq(0,xymin);
| sums = -Rcpp::lgamma(x0 - i + 1)-Rcpp::lgamma(i+1) - Rcpp::lgamma
| (y0-i+1) + i*std::log(lambdaratio);
| maxsums = sums.max();
| sums = sums-maxsums;
| logsummation = std::log(arma::accu(arma::exp(sums))) + maxsums;
| logbp[k] = -arma::accu(lambda) + x0*std::log(lambda.col(0)) +
| y0*std::log(lambda.col(1)) + logsummation;
You could try replacing the lgamma calls (which we pass on to the R API) with
something from another library.
And/or extract this inner loop and just try to 'blast' it through 1e7
iterations or some other stress test.
Lastly, valgrind may be of help too.
Sorry, but I can offer no better help at this point.
Cheers, Dirk
| ////////////////////////////////////
| }
| if( returnLog == TRUE ) {
| result = logbp;
| } else {
| result = Rcpp::exp(logbp);
| }
| return(result);
| }
| ////////////////////////////////////////////////
| Thanks for your help!
| Best,
| Clarence
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