[Rcpp-devel] Sugar seems slower than Rcpp.
Romain Francois
romain at r-enthusiasts.com
Fri Jan 7 12:54:09 CET 2011
Le 05/01/11 14:01, Dirk Eddelbuettel a écrit :
> On 5 January 2011 at 10:55, Cedric Ginestet wrote:
> | Dear All,
> |
> | Here are some simulations that I have run this morning. Romain's suggestion to
> | compute xV.size() before the loop and Douglas' idea of using accumulate appear
> | to work best. However, both are substantially slower than the r-base function.
> |
> | I have also included two more versions: (i) one similar to Romain's but using
> | pre-incrementation in the loop and (ii) one using the iterator in the loop.
> | Another option may be to use the C++ boost library. I don't know if anyone on
> | this list has experience with using boost.
> |
> | See the results of the simulations below (N=1000 data sets).
> | Ced
> |
> | #####################################################################
> | ## Functions.
> | Summing1<- cxxfunction(signature(x="numeric"), '
> | NumericVector xV(x);
> | double out = sum(xV);
> | return wrap(out);
> | ',plugin="Rcpp")
> | Summing2<- cxxfunction(signature(x="numeric"), '
> | NumericVector xV(x);
> | double out = 0.0;
> | for(int i=0; i<xV.size(); i++) out += xV[i];
> | return wrap(out);
> | ',plugin="Rcpp")
> | Summing3<- cxxfunction(signature(x="numeric"), '
> | NumericVector xV(x);
> | double out = 0.0; int N=xV.size();
> | for(int i=0; i<N; i++) out += xV[i];
> | return wrap(out);
> | ',plugin="Rcpp")
> | Summing4<- cxxfunction(signature(x="numeric"), '
> | NumericVector xV(x);
> | return wrap(std::accumulate(xV.begin(), xV.end(), double()));
> | ',plugin="Rcpp")
> | Summing5<- cxxfunction(signature(x="numeric"), '
> | NumericVector xV(x);
> | double out = 0.0; int N=xV.size();
> | for(int i=0; i<N; ++i) out += xV[i];
> | return wrap(out);
> | ',plugin="Rcpp")
> | Summing6<- cxxfunction(signature(x="numeric"), '
> | NumericVector xV(x);
> | double out = 0.0;
> | for(NumericVector::iterator i=xV.begin(); i!=xV.end(); ++i) out += *i;
> | return wrap(out);
> | ',plugin="Rcpp")
> |
> | #####################################################################
> | ## Simulation: Time Testing.
> | n<- 1000000; N<- 1000
> | time.Sum<- matrix(0,N,7);
> | for(i in 1:N){
> | x<- rnorm(n)
> | time.Sum[i,1]<- system.time(Summing1(x))[3];
> | time.Sum[i,2]<- system.time(Summing2(x))[3];
> | time.Sum[i,3]<- system.time(Summing3(x))[3];
> | time.Sum[i,4]<- system.time(Summing4(x))[3];
> | time.Sum[i,5]<- system.time(Summing5(x))[3];
> | time.Sum[i,6]<- system.time(Summing6(x))[3];
> | time.Sum[i,7]<- system.time(sum(x))[3];
> | }# i
> | time.df<- data.frame(time.Sum)
> | names(time.df)<- c
> | ("Sugar","Rcpp","Rcpp_N","Accumulate","Pre-increment","Iterator","R")
> | boxplot(time.df)
> |
> | #####################################################################
> | ## RESULTS:
> | formatC(summary(time.df),dec=3)
> | Sugar Rcpp Rcpp_N
> | " Min. :0.01600 " " Min. :0.01000 " "Min. :0.005000 "
> | " 1st Qu.:0.01600 " " 1st Qu.:0.01000 " "1st Qu.:0.005000 "
> | " Median :0.01600 " " Median :0.01100 " "Median :0.006000 "
> | " Mean :0.01631 " " Mean :0.01060 " "Mean :0.005668 "
> | " 3rd Qu.:0.01600 " " 3rd Qu.:0.01100 " "3rd Qu.:0.006000 "
> | " Max. :0.03700 " " Max. :0.02400 " "Max. :0.020000 "
> | Accumulate Pre-increment Iterator
> | "Min. :0.005000 " "Min. :0.005000 " " Min. :0.01000 "
> | "1st Qu.:0.005000 " "1st Qu.:0.005000 " " 1st Qu.:0.01000 "
> | "Median :0.006000 " "Median :0.006000 " " Median :0.01100 "
> | "Mean :0.005714 " "Mean :0.005697 " " Mean :0.01065 "
> | "3rd Qu.:0.006000 " "3rd Qu.:0.006000 " " 3rd Qu.:0.01100 "
> | "Max. :0.029000 " "Max. :0.021000 " " Max. :0.03100 "
> | R
> | "Min. :0.002000 "
> | "1st Qu.:0.002000 "
> | "Median :0.002000 "
> | "Mean :0.002211 "
> | "3rd Qu.:0.002000 "
> | "Max. :0.004000 "
> | #####################################################################
> |
> | PS: Apologies to Dirk as I have not followed his advice, yet.
> Try this instead:
> ## Summing1 to Summing6 as above
> Summing1a<- cxxfunction(signature(x="numeric"), '
> NumericVector xV(x);
> double out = sum(noNA(xV));
> return wrap(out);
> ',plugin="Rcpp")
> library(rbenchmark)
> n<- 1000000
> N<- 1000
> x<- rnorm(n)
> bm<- benchmark(Sugar = Summing1(x),
> SugarNoNA = Summing1a(x),
> Rcpp = Summing2(x),
> Rcpp_N = Summing3(x),
> Accumulate= Summing4(x),
> PreIncrem = Summing5(x),
> Iterator = Summing6(x),
> R = function(x){ sum(x) },
> columns=c("test", "elapsed", "relative", "user.self", "sys.self"),
> order="relative",
> replications=N)
> print(bm)
> which on my box gets this
> edd at max:/tmp$ Rscript cedric.R
> Loading required package: methods
> test elapsed relative user.self sys.self
> 8 R 0.003 1.00 0.00 0
> 5 Accumulate 1.212 404.00 1.22 0
> 2 SugarNoNA 1.214 404.67 1.22 0
> 6 PreIncrem 1.214 404.67 1.21 0
> 4 Rcpp_N 1.215 405.00 1.21 0
> 7 Iterator 5.301 1767.00 5.30 0
> 3 Rcpp 5.302 1767.33 5.30 0
> 1 Sugar 7.229 2409.67 7.21 0
> edd at max:/tmp$
> indicating that you have four equivalent versions neither on of which can go
> as fast as an R builtin goes (well, doh).
> Basic sugar, as we said before, gives a lot of convenience along with some
> safeties (exception checks, NA checks, ...).
> But you are not the first person, and surely not the last, to simply assume
> that it would also be as fast as carefully tuned and crafted code.
> But that ain't so -- the No Free Lunch theorem is still valid.
> Dirk
You can get free lunch if you are friend witrh the cook.
I commited some code (rev 2846) that makes sum faster. This is based on
the same thing that made operators *, +, etc ... faster during christmas.
So, with this. I get:
romain at naxos /tmp $ Rscript /tmp/sum.R
Le chargement a nécessité le package : inline
Le chargement a nécessité le package : methods
Le chargement a nécessité le package : Rcpp
test elapsed relative user.self sys.self
1 Sugar 1.005 1.000000 1.003 0.003
3 Rcpp_N 1.005 1.000000 1.002 0.003
5 PreIncrem 1.005 1.000000 1.003 0.003
4 Accumulate 1.011 1.005970 1.007 0.003
7 R 1.648 1.639801 1.643 0.005
2 Rcpp 4.827 4.802985 4.813 0.015
6 Iterator 4.827 4.802985 4.812 0.014
BTW, Dirk this line was wrong:
R = function(x){ sum(x) },
The expression that was benchmarked was "create the function" not "call
it", which explains why the R version was so much faster in your
example, it did not do anything.
Summing1 <- cxxfunction(signature(x="numeric"), '
NumericVector xV(x);
double out = sum(xV);
return wrap(out);
Summing2 <- cxxfunction(signature(x="numeric"), '
NumericVector xV(x);
double out = 0.0;
for(int i=0; i<xV.size(); i++) out += xV[i];
return wrap(out);
Summing3 <- cxxfunction(signature(x="numeric"), '
NumericVector xV(x);
double out = 0.0; int N=xV.size();
for(int i=0; i<N; i++) out += xV[i];
return wrap(out);
Summing4 <- cxxfunction(signature(x="numeric"), '
NumericVector xV(x);
return wrap(std::accumulate(xV.begin(), xV.end(), double()));
Summing5 <- cxxfunction(signature(x="numeric"), '
NumericVector xV(x);
double out = 0.0; int N=xV.size();
for(int i=0; i<N; ++i) out += xV[i];
return wrap(out);
Summing6 <- cxxfunction(signature(x="numeric"), '
NumericVector xV(x);
double out = 0.0;
for(NumericVector::iterator i=xV.begin(); i!=xV.end(); ++i) out
+= *i;
return wrap(out);
n <- 1000000
N <- 1000
x <- rnorm(n)
bm <- benchmark(Sugar = Summing1(x),
Rcpp = Summing2(x),
Rcpp_N = Summing3(x),
Accumulate= Summing4(x),
PreIncrem = Summing5(x),
Iterator = Summing6(x),
R = sum(x),
columns=c("test", "elapsed", "relative", "user.self",
Romain Francois
Professional R Enthusiast
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