[Rcpp-devel] Loading a package using Rcpp Modules results in memory corruption
Douglas Bates
bates at stat.wisc.edu
Wed Jan 5 18:55:39 CET 2011
This time with the enclosure :-)
On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 11:52 AM, Douglas Bates <bates at stat.wisc.edu> wrote:
> I don't know whether this is through error on my part or because of an
> "infelicity" in the Rcpp module code but the lme4a package, which now
> uses Rcpp modules extensively, ends up with some difficult-to-trace
> memory corruption issues. Yesterday i finally bit the bullet and ran
> a test with gctorture(TRUE) and valgrind enabled. It takes a very
> long time and results in a segfault when trying to load the package.
> I enclose the transcript. I should say that this is using Rcpp_0.9.0
> from CRAN, not the SVN version of Rcpp.
> I just got these results this morning (it was running overnight) and
> haven't looked at the code in Module.cpp and cache.cpp yet. If it
> seems likely that the code is beyond me I can try to work out a
> simpler example that triggers the problem.
-------------- next part --------------
==15160== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==15160== Copyright (C) 2002-2010, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==15160== Using Valgrind-3.6.0.SVN-Debian and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==15160== Command: /home/bates/build/R-devel/bin/exec/R --no-save --no-restore
==15160== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==15160== at 0x6870E40: inflateReset2 (in /lib/libz.so.
==15160== by 0x6870F2F: inflateInit2_ (in /lib/libz.so.
==15160== by 0x686B1BC: ??? (in /lib/libz.so.
==15160== by 0x4EB019E: gzfile_open (connections.c:1186)
==15160== by 0x4EADD57: do_gzfile (connections.c:1745)
==15160== by 0x4F6152A: do_internal (names.c:1197)
==15160== by 0x4F1320A: Rf_eval (eval.c:469)
==15160== by 0x4F15C2C: Rf_applyClosure (eval.c:811)
==15160== by 0x4F130E7: Rf_eval (eval.c:513)
==15160== by 0x4F1A55F: do_set (eval.c:1698)
==15160== by 0x4F1320A: Rf_eval (eval.c:469)
==15160== by 0x4F14C6B: do_begin (eval.c:1418)
==15160== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==15160== at 0x6870E40: inflateReset2 (in /lib/libz.so.
==15160== by 0x6870F2F: inflateInit2_ (in /lib/libz.so.
==15160== by 0x686B648: uncompress (in /lib/libz.so.
==15160== by 0x4EA4A09: R_decompress1 (connections.c:5143)
==15160== by 0x4FDD813: do_lazyLoadDBfetch (serialize.c:2378)
==15160== by 0x4F1333F: Rf_eval (eval.c:498)
==15160== by 0x4F13666: forcePromise (eval.c:331)
==15160== by 0x4F12EDB: Rf_eval (eval.c:450)
==15160== by 0x4EFAB0A: Rf_findFun (envir.c:1293)
==15160== by 0x4F13063: Rf_eval (eval.c:456)
==15160== by 0x4F4D165: R_ReplFile (main.c:100)
==15160== by 0x4F4D279: R_LoadProfile (main.c:662)
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> gctorture(TRUE)
> library(lme4a)
Loading required package: Matrix
Loading required package: lattice
Attaching package: 'Matrix'
The following object(s) are masked from 'package:base':
Loading required package: minqa
Loading required package: Rcpp
==15160== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==15160== at 0x4F0650F: Rf_promiseArgs (eval.c:1918)
==15160== by 0x4F130BA: Rf_eval (eval.c:512)
==15160== by 0xD5C7613: init_Rcpp_cache (cache.cpp:55)
==15160== by 0xD5B3493: R_init_Rcpp (Module.cpp:264)
==15160== by 0x4E668DC: AddDLL (Rdynload.c:567)
==15160== by 0x4E66B6E: do_dynload (Rdynload.c:900)
==15160== by 0x4F6152A: do_internal (names.c:1197)
==15160== by 0x4F1320A: Rf_eval (eval.c:469)
==15160== by 0x4F15C2C: Rf_applyClosure (eval.c:811)
==15160== by 0x4F130E7: Rf_eval (eval.c:513)
==15160== by 0x4F1320A: Rf_eval (eval.c:469)
==15160== by 0x4F1A55F: do_set (eval.c:1698)
==15160== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==15160== at 0x4F0651E: Rf_promiseArgs (eval.c:1931)
==15160== by 0x4F130BA: Rf_eval (eval.c:512)
==15160== by 0xD5C7613: init_Rcpp_cache (cache.cpp:55)
==15160== by 0xD5B3493: R_init_Rcpp (Module.cpp:264)
==15160== by 0x4E668DC: AddDLL (Rdynload.c:567)
==15160== by 0x4E66B6E: do_dynload (Rdynload.c:900)
==15160== by 0x4F6152A: do_internal (names.c:1197)
==15160== by 0x4F1320A: Rf_eval (eval.c:469)
==15160== by 0x4F15C2C: Rf_applyClosure (eval.c:811)
==15160== by 0x4F130E7: Rf_eval (eval.c:513)
==15160== by 0x4F1320A: Rf_eval (eval.c:469)
==15160== by 0x4F1A55F: do_set (eval.c:1698)
==15160== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==15160== at 0x4F53FDB: R_gc_internal (memory.c:1327)
==15160== by 0x4F563F5: Rf_mkPROMISE (memory.c:1882)
==15160== by 0x4F0652B: Rf_promiseArgs (eval.c:1937)
==15160== by 0x4F130BA: Rf_eval (eval.c:512)
==15160== by 0xD5C7613: init_Rcpp_cache (cache.cpp:55)
==15160== by 0xD5B3493: R_init_Rcpp (Module.cpp:264)
==15160== by 0x4E668DC: AddDLL (Rdynload.c:567)
==15160== by 0x4E66B6E: do_dynload (Rdynload.c:900)
==15160== by 0x4F6152A: do_internal (names.c:1197)
==15160== by 0x4F1320A: Rf_eval (eval.c:469)
==15160== by 0x4F15C2C: Rf_applyClosure (eval.c:811)
==15160== by 0x4F130E7: Rf_eval (eval.c:513)
==15160== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
==15160== at 0x4F53FDD: R_gc_internal (memory.c:1327)
==15160== by 0x4F563F5: Rf_mkPROMISE (memory.c:1882)
==15160== by 0x4F0652B: Rf_promiseArgs (eval.c:1937)
==15160== by 0x4F130BA: Rf_eval (eval.c:512)
==15160== by 0xD5C7613: init_Rcpp_cache (cache.cpp:55)
==15160== by 0xD5B3493: R_init_Rcpp (Module.cpp:264)
==15160== by 0x4E668DC: AddDLL (Rdynload.c:567)
==15160== by 0x4E66B6E: do_dynload (Rdynload.c:900)
==15160== by 0x4F6152A: do_internal (names.c:1197)
==15160== by 0x4F1320A: Rf_eval (eval.c:469)
==15160== by 0x4F15C2C: Rf_applyClosure (eval.c:811)
==15160== by 0x4F130E7: Rf_eval (eval.c:513)
==15160== Invalid read of size 1
==15160== at 0x4F53FDD: R_gc_internal (memory.c:1327)
==15160== by 0x4F563F5: Rf_mkPROMISE (memory.c:1882)
==15160== by 0x4F0652B: Rf_promiseArgs (eval.c:1937)
==15160== by 0x4F130BA: Rf_eval (eval.c:512)
==15160== by 0xD5C7613: init_Rcpp_cache (cache.cpp:55)
==15160== by 0xD5B3493: R_init_Rcpp (Module.cpp:264)
==15160== by 0x4E668DC: AddDLL (Rdynload.c:567)
==15160== by 0x4E66B6E: do_dynload (Rdynload.c:900)
==15160== by 0x4F6152A: do_internal (names.c:1197)
==15160== by 0x4F1320A: Rf_eval (eval.c:469)
==15160== by 0x4F15C2C: Rf_applyClosure (eval.c:811)
==15160== by 0x4F130E7: Rf_eval (eval.c:513)
==15160== Address 0x4 is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd
*** caught segfault ***
address 0x4, cause 'memory not mapped'
==15160== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==15160== at 0x4F53FDB: R_gc_internal (memory.c:1327)
==15160== by 0x4F52DFD: Rf_cons (memory.c:1800)
==15160== by 0x4F52EC1: Rf_allocList (memory.c:2147)
==15160== by 0x4F00B24: R_GetTraceback (errors.c:1240)
==15160== by 0x4F4CDE2: sigactionSegv (main.c:564)
==15160== by 0x53D8C1F: ??? (in /lib/libc-2.12.1.so)
==15160== by 0x4F53FDC: R_gc_internal (memory.c:1327)
==15160== by 0x4F563F5: Rf_mkPROMISE (memory.c:1882)
==15160== by 0x4F0652B: Rf_promiseArgs (eval.c:1937)
==15160== by 0x4F130BA: Rf_eval (eval.c:512)
==15160== by 0xD5C7613: init_Rcpp_cache (cache.cpp:55)
==15160== by 0xD5B3493: R_init_Rcpp (Module.cpp:264)
==15160== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
==15160== at 0x4F53FDD: R_gc_internal (memory.c:1327)
==15160== by 0x4F52DFD: Rf_cons (memory.c:1800)
==15160== by 0x4F52EC1: Rf_allocList (memory.c:2147)
==15160== by 0x4F00B24: R_GetTraceback (errors.c:1240)
==15160== by 0x4F4CDE2: sigactionSegv (main.c:564)
==15160== by 0x53D8C1F: ??? (in /lib/libc-2.12.1.so)
==15160== by 0x4F53FDC: R_gc_internal (memory.c:1327)
==15160== by 0x4F563F5: Rf_mkPROMISE (memory.c:1882)
==15160== by 0x4F0652B: Rf_promiseArgs (eval.c:1937)
==15160== by 0x4F130BA: Rf_eval (eval.c:512)
==15160== by 0xD5C7613: init_Rcpp_cache (cache.cpp:55)
==15160== by 0xD5B3493: R_init_Rcpp (Module.cpp:264)
==15160== Invalid read of size 1
==15160== at 0x4F53FDD: R_gc_internal (memory.c:1327)
==15160== by 0x4F52DFD: Rf_cons (memory.c:1800)
==15160== by 0x4F52EC1: Rf_allocList (memory.c:2147)
==15160== by 0x4F00B24: R_GetTraceback (errors.c:1240)
==15160== by 0x4F4CDE2: sigactionSegv (main.c:564)
==15160== by 0x53D8C1F: ??? (in /lib/libc-2.12.1.so)
==15160== by 0x4F53FDC: R_gc_internal (memory.c:1327)
==15160== by 0x4F563F5: Rf_mkPROMISE (memory.c:1882)
==15160== by 0x4F0652B: Rf_promiseArgs (eval.c:1937)
==15160== by 0x4F130BA: Rf_eval (eval.c:512)
==15160== by 0xD5C7613: init_Rcpp_cache (cache.cpp:55)
==15160== by 0xD5B3493: R_init_Rcpp (Module.cpp:264)
==15160== Address 0x4 is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd
==15160== Process terminating with default action of signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
==15160== Access not within mapped region at address 0x4
==15160== at 0x4F53FDD: R_gc_internal (memory.c:1327)
==15160== by 0x4F52DFD: Rf_cons (memory.c:1800)
==15160== by 0x4F52EC1: Rf_allocList (memory.c:2147)
==15160== by 0x4F00B24: R_GetTraceback (errors.c:1240)
==15160== by 0x4F4CDE2: sigactionSegv (main.c:564)
==15160== by 0x53D8C1F: ??? (in /lib/libc-2.12.1.so)
==15160== by 0x4F53FDC: R_gc_internal (memory.c:1327)
==15160== by 0x4F563F5: Rf_mkPROMISE (memory.c:1882)
==15160== by 0x4F0652B: Rf_promiseArgs (eval.c:1937)
==15160== by 0x4F130BA: Rf_eval (eval.c:512)
==15160== by 0xD5C7613: init_Rcpp_cache (cache.cpp:55)
==15160== by 0xD5B3493: R_init_Rcpp (Module.cpp:264)
==15160== If you believe this happened as a result of a stack
==15160== overflow in your program's main thread (unlikely but
==15160== possible), you can try to increase the size of the
==15160== main thread stack using the --main-stacksize= flag.
==15160== The main thread stack size used in this run was 8388608.
==15160== HEAP SUMMARY:
==15160== in use at exit: 44,597,647 bytes in 22,683 blocks
==15160== total heap usage: 66,029 allocs, 43,346 frees, 108,467,277 bytes allocated
==15160== LEAK SUMMARY:
==15160== definitely lost: 120 bytes in 2 blocks
==15160== indirectly lost: 480 bytes in 20 blocks
==15160== possibly lost: 40,432,040 bytes in 21,955 blocks
==15160== still reachable: 4,165,007 bytes in 706 blocks
==15160== suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==15160== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory
==15160== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==15160== Use --track-origins=yes to see where uninitialised values come from
==15160== ERROR SUMMARY: 2036 errors from 10 contexts (suppressed: 31 from 7)
Segmentation fault
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