[Rcpp-devel] Rcpp_0.9.0.tar.gz does not build on FreeBSD

Rainer Hurling rhurlin at gwdg.de
Tue Jan 4 18:24:42 CET 2011

On 04.01.2011 14:04 (UTC+1), Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
> On 4 January 2011 at 12:02, Rainer Hurling wrote:
> | On 03.01.2011 13:20 (UTC+1), Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
> |>  Rainer,
> |>
> |>  Please use the rcpp-devel list for questions. You need to subscribe to post,
> |>  or you can use a web-to-list interface to gmane.org.
> |
> | Done. Hope it is ok to pursue the private thread on the list.
> That's perfect.
> |>  | It seems that 'src/Makevars' is not fully compatible to FreeBSD style
> |>
> |>  Hm. Can you try enforcing GNU make via something like
> |>
> |>          export MAKE=/usr/bin/gmake
> |
> | Thanks for the tip. With gmake it proceeds build and installing. But
> Good. We are actually trying to not depend on GNU make so you found an
> infelicity which I may correct by ...


> | there is another problem with testing the installation, see below please.
> |
> |>  (or whererever it it stored on your system). At that point the implicit
> |>  variable $^ is used:
> |>
> |>
> |>  Here $^ expands to the list of all prerequisites, so you could try $OBJECTS
> |>  in its place.
> |
> | gmake is able to use $^, so there is no need for me to use $OBJECTS  :-)
> ... switching to $OBJECT in place of $^ here.
> | As mentioned above build and install are successfull. But testing if
> | installed package can be loaded fails:
> |
> | -------------------------------------------
> | [..SNIP..]
> | g++ -shared -L/usr/local/lib -o Rcpp.so Date.o DateVector.o Datetime.o
> | DatetimeVector.o Dimension.o DottedPair.o Environment.o Evaluator.o
> | Formula.o Function.o Language.o Module.o Pairlist.o Promise.o RObject.o
> | RcppCommon.o Rcpp_init.o Reference.o S4.o Symbol.o WeakReference.o
> | barrier.o cache.o coerce.o complex.o debugging.o exceptions.o posixt.o
> | r_cast.o
> This line should have   -L/usr/lib64/R/lib -lR   at the end.

There is no /usr/lib64/R/lib on FreeBSD, instead it is located under 

> Odd. Is your R version built as a shared library?

I think so but I am not sure. Is there any quick test?

> | g++ -o libRcpp.so Date.o DateVector.o Datetime.o DatetimeVector.o
> | Dimension.o DottedPair.o Environment.o Evaluator.o Formula.o Function.o
> | Language.o Module.o Pairlist.o Promise.o RObject.o RcppCommon.o
> | Rcpp_init.o Reference.o S4.o Symbol.o WeakReference.o barrier.o cache.o
> | coerce.o complex.o debugging.o exceptions.o posixt.o r_cast.o -shared
> Dito here.
> | ar qc libRcpp.a Date.o DateVector.o Datetime.o DatetimeVector.o
> | Dimension.o DottedPair.o Environment.o Evaluator.o Formula.o Function.o
> | Language.o Module.o Pairlist.o Promise.o RObject.o RcppCommon.o
> | Rcpp_init.o Reference.o S4.o Symbol.o WeakReference.o barrier.o cache.o
> | coerce.o complex.o debugging.o exceptions.o posixt.o r_cast.o
> | cp libRcpp.so ../inst/lib
> | cp libRcpp.a ../inst/lib
> | rm libRcpp.so libRcpp.a
> | installiert nach /usr/local/lib/R/library/Rcpp/libs
> | ** R
> | ** inst
> | ** preparing package for lazy loading
> | ** help
> | *** installing help indices
> | ** building package indices ...
> | ** testing if installed package can be loaded
> | Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) :
> |    kann shared object '/usr/local/lib/R/library/Rcpp/libs/Rcpp.so' nicht
> | laden:
> |    /usr/local/lib/R/library/Rcpp/libs/Rcpp.so: Undefined symbol
> | "backtrace_symbols"
> | Fehler: loading failed
> | * removing '/usr/local/lib/R/library/Rcpp'
> | -------------------------------------------
> |
> | I do not understand why 'backtrace_symbols' is undefined. In
> | 'src/debugging.cpp' all seems to be ok?
> No, it is a system library function we use. From 'man backtrace_symbol' :

Ok, I see. I will answer some more about backtrace_symbol in my next 
posting ...

> BACKTRACE(3)                      Linux Programmer's Manual                     BACKTRACE(3)
>         backtrace,  backtrace_symbols,  backtrace_symbols_fd  - support for application self-
>         debugging
>         #include<execinfo.h>
>         int backtrace(void **buffer, int size);
>         char **backtrace_symbols(void *const *buffer, int size);
>         void backtrace_symbols_fd(void *const *buffer, int size, int fd);
> [...]
> | I tried to comment out the complete part between '#if defined(__GNUC__)'
> | and '#endif' and use only
> |
> |      SEXP stack_trace( const char *file, int line) {
> |          return R_NilValue ;
> |      }
> |
> | That gives no more undefined symbols when loading, but of course there
> | is no debugging code any more :-(
> |
> | Do you have any idea how to get debugging.cpp functional on FreeBSD?
> Well, not to put too fine a point on it: that's your job.  Your operating
> system choice, your need.  We may give you the Windows behaviour (ie no
> debugging trace) so that this builds on your system but we have no access to
> *BSD and no particular desire to add this feature.  If you only want to run
> parser and highlight (as per your first mail) then you do not need more.

Until now I have no need for the debugging functionality. That depends 
on packages which will need it.

> Otherwise, Romain may of course be available for contracting.  If you or
> someone else needs this feature on what happens to be a non-standard
> platform, you may have to provide the (financial) resources to make it
> happen.
> Cheers, Dirk

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