[Rcpp-devel] Building/linking trouble with cxxfunction()

Ken.Williams at thomsonreuters.com Ken.Williams at thomsonreuters.com
Thu Feb 17 03:59:12 CET 2011

> R.e. S4 -- a good place to start is here:
> http://www.r-bloggers.com/resources-for-s4-classes-and-methods/

Thanks, though in this case I'm looking for reference docs on Rcpp::S4, not S4 classes within R.

> Have you gotten a minimal example up and running without reference to
> dgCMatrix?  Looking at your stackoverflow post, I'm having a hard time
> seeing inside your C++ code.

Good idea - I'll separate the two tasks (passing the dgCMatrix and calling the SVD code)
so I don't have to tackle both issues at once.


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